BBM x Madballz pod test

Holy cow, Peter! That WAS brutal. But I enjoyed every minute of it. :) You did a fantastic job! I like the line, "I shoulda respected that more." Lol. I know THAT feeling. Fantastic review! This is one strain I definitely want to stabilize. Keep up the great work, but take a break first.

Cheers and thanks again!!!

HOLY CRAP!!! You actually did it! I hate to say it, but if I was offered to review that pod I would have turned it down.  :shh: For fear.
And I like to think I'm pretty fearless when it comes to the cap, but uh no. Some of these new Madballz crosses and other brainstrain crosses kinda scare the crap out of me.
Mad respect Peter
From my experience with the two strains that created this pod and what I just saw? This will be known as the most hardcore pod and review of 2016 IMO
Adam you are one baaaad mofo  :fireball:
P.s. and know I mean this with the utmost respect. You should never apologize or critique you review on camera IMO. Even with my limited experience eating a few pods on camera, the moment you said "I have nothing" spoke volumes to me believe it or not. It was an excellent review. 
We may have lost Nigel, but you know what? We have Peter, and he's damm good.
Thx for sharing...both of you  :cheers:
The second I saw the thumbnail on youtube I thought: he surely isn't going to eat that entire thing is he?
Looked absolutely brutal. But a great video and review nonetheless! Hope you didn't suffer for too long afterwards.
hogleg said:
HOLY CRAP!!! You actually did it! I hate to say it, but if I was offered to review that pod I would have turned it down.  :shh: For fear.
And I like to think I'm pretty fearless when it comes to the cap, but uh no. Some of these new Madballz crosses and other brainstrain crosses kinda scare the crap out of me.
Mad respect Peter
From my experience with the two strains that created this pod and what I just saw? This will be known as the most hardcore pod and review of 2016 IMO
Adam you are one baaaad mofo  :fireball:
P.s. and know I mean this with the utmost respect. You should never apologize or critique you review on camera IMO. Even with my limited experience eating a few pods on camera, the moment you said "I have nothing" spoke volumes to me believe it or not. It was an excellent review. 
We may have lost Nigel, but you know what? We have Peter, and he's damm good.
Thx for sharing...both of you  :cheers:
Thanks hogleg for the kind words and encouragement. I always look forward to your responses.
Bhuter said:
Holy cow, Peter! That WAS brutal. But I enjoyed every minute of it. :) You did a fantastic job! I like the line, "I shoulda respected that more." Lol. I know THAT feeling. Fantastic review! This is one strain I definitely want to stabilize. Keep up the great work, but take a break first.

Cheers and thanks again!!!

Thanks Adam! It was one of those pods that's like riding a roller coaster. After swallowing, there's no turning back, just have to hang on. Thanks again for sending me that. It was an honor reviewing it. I did a pod test last night of your Bhut Orange Copenhagen. Should have it up this evening some time. It was pretty damn hot, but delicious.
mpicante said:
Wow Peter great review.Adam looks like your CREATION is a keeper.I have goosebumps after watching Peter in so much pain and misery.
Thanks mpicante. Yeah, Adam has a  pretty awesome pod creation.
austin87 said:
"feels like my tears are burning" LOL

Nice work dude. Good stuff.
Neel said:
The second I saw the thumbnail on youtube I thought: he surely isn't going to eat that entire thing is he?
Looked absolutely brutal. But a great video and review nonetheless! Hope you didn't suffer for too long afterwards.
Thanks Neel! I actually felt fine after, a little out of it, but no discomfort.
D3monic said:
Bare handed too, someone's a glutton for punishment. Let's play orifice roulette. What's he going to accidentally touch first!  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
You crazy eating that beast. I'd be crying before I even bit into it. 