BBQ Dry Rubs reviews Lucky Dog Hot Sauce - with a giveaway!!!

BBQ Dry Rubs has a great site going on with awesome BBQ topics & recipes. We'd done a swap of sauce for some Simply Marvelous rub early on when I just had the Orange Label prototype finalized (similar to what JayT reviewed here many moons ago) - well he's revisited Lucky Dog Hot Sauce, and did a really nice write-up with a bunch of great photos of the foods he sampled the sauces on.

He also picked up 3 extra bottles & is doing a Lucky Dog Hot Sauce give-away!!!!

All you have to do to enter is comment about Lucky Dog Hot Sauce or his review in the comments section. That's it! He's selecting a random winner at the end of February.

While you're over there be sure to download his FREE eBook on sausage making - awesome recipes & techniques.

Good luck in the contest!


[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]All you have to do to enter is comment about Lucky Dog Hot Sauce[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] :rofl:does it have to be nice?[/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] [/background]
or i could be a winner since im a SAINTS fan myself.. and i hated my inlaws called me right after to rub it in. and i still downloaded the game and watch it to see what they did hopes to have different results...
Awe, Denniz - allow me to be the first to day, "ha ha".

I'm actually not kidding - you'll get an extra entry if you rip the 49ers.

From the review:
Secret Ninja Tip: You get an extra entry if your comment is derogatory towards the San Fran 49ers. That’s right, Scott..I am still ticked over the Saint’s loss last year!
would this help??



Get those comments in, folks - you have until the end of February for the drawing!

And be sure to give the site a look-see - his article on making sausage without a sausage press (knife & a funnel!?!) is great!
Right on! Good luck in the contest!

Remember folks - comment to enter to win! It's that easy! It's a great site and an easy contest to enter, so what are you waiting for? :dance:
Just 4 days left to get a comment in - right now your odds of winning a FREE 3-pack of Lucky Dog Hot Sauce are really good!

Don't forget - if you bash my beloved 49ers you'll double your odds. :(


Good luck, and be sure to check out the blog while you're there - some awesome BBQ and sausage making tips!
Also remember to check out the content of BBQ Dry Rubs while you're there - he give awesome BBQ tips, and his sausage-making eBook is 100% free and downloadable!! I highly recommend it.
