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BeagleStorm vs 2011 - My Chile Grow Log

Ok first up is some photos of my over wintered plants. Scorpion, Naga Morich, Chocolate Bhut, and 2 x Harold St. Barts. More of an experiment... I have never tried to over winter plants before. Did not super prune the plants or the root balls. I just left them in their pots out in the semi-cold during early November and most of the leaves started falling off. Then I did a minimal prune to remove any remaining leaves and to clean them up a bit. Gave them a cup of water each and threw them in my parent’s garage. I gave them a second cup of water last weekend. They seem to be doing great. One plant had what seemed to be a few Aphids so I sprayed it with Organocide but they have been bug free for the last month. I want to keep them in pots, so I think I will need to transplant them into fresh soil and maybe bigger pots this spring. Just not sure how I am going to do it or what process I am going to use. I do know that I am going to keep them at my parents so they do not pass any nasty critters to my seedlings before spring comes. Any recommendations?


updating this from my phone. computer has been down all week with a virus. Finally got some plants in the ground this morning. Have a nice outlook for the weekend weather as well. Got 20 plants in the ground, family is in town so no more planting til sunday night. Got 7's and scorpions planted in the shady part. I'm going to put some in the sunny part as well. Here are some pics

Glad you got some good weather, bro. Back to 30mph+ gusts here with no rain in site. Bad fire in our neighborhood and another one at work. Apparently someplace big is on fire between you and me, because when I hit the overpass to head home this evening, I could barely see. I haven't seen smoke haze this bad since the Mexican field burnings back in '99. But that was a South wind. :)

My plants at work (on a hill) are looking like the trees in the streets of Lubbock. WTH is going on this year? I even had a Jimmy Nardello snap today at home. That's a first for me.

Your plants look incredible! Keep up the good work!
I feel your pain, I'm so sick of this wind.
Finally got my desktop back up and running. Lets see this was 2 weeks ago and it is still windy with no end in sight! .. arghhh

I know the feeling. When I started growing last season i wanted everything to grow until I had 7 of 1 variety and only 1 or 2 of newer seedlings. Now I have to occasionally do some culling of the more numerous plants to make room for other varieties (I'm not a commercial grower so 3+/- of one variety is plenty for me.

Wow. Thos eSanta Ana winds? :eek: I used to live in San Diego, thats why I ask. I heard about them if those are they.
Lost 2 plants, given away 5 and sill have 15 or so hard decisions to make this week. LOL
Not Santa Ana winds but these produce the same effect. Dry 20 - 40 mph winds usually through March and April. I can't complain though, the other 10 months are great weather. Just enough heat and cold to make you notice the 4 seasons and no tornados, earthquakes, hurricanes, mud slides, blizzards. And once it gets really hot here in July – August, the monsoons hit and the rains cool everything off in the late afternoon.

Your plants are doing fantastic!
Here's to a bountiful harvest. :cheers:
Thanks SS, If I can get even one harvest like your pictures showed week after week last year .. I will be happy.

Wow Michael, you got some great plants going on there. Those raised beds you've been working on look like you're gonna have a pepper jungle there. I use a similar watering system in my raised bed and pots with those risers and spiders. Also I love that kitchen of yours.
We've sent some of our dozers, engines and overhead personnel to TX for the fires there. Right now about 160 folks.
Hi Logchief, my irrigation seems to be doing well... have had a few of the emitters clog up but overall I am happy with the system. Fortunately for me, the majority of the fires are several hundred miles away from El Paso. On one hand I wish it was greener here but on the other, when it gets dry and windy there is really not much to burn. We only get 9” of rain a year here. 75% falls in July and August. Once you start moving east the amount of rain they get starts going up fast.

Great looking plants there Beaglestorm! Love your beds you made too. Good Luck with your season.

Thanks Mike, They just got painted this morning, I will post some pictures tomorrow.

beagle - great start, great plants, great set-up. you're going to be swimming in chiles this year.
Which means that you will be swimming in chiles. LOL
incredible setup mike!!!!! you really went high tech! awsome raised beds! great dripline. my set up is cavemanlike compared to yours! the savannah 7s look amazing. the 3 savannahs i overwintered have a good amount of flowers soon. i'll send you some as soon as they are busting loose. it's not stabilised so your plants should have some variation. glad to see you step up. hope we both have a great year! take care man!
So far I am loving the raised beds. My container plants are acting like last year and overall just seem to be very temperamental. The ones in the ground are handling the heat much better and no wilting during the 90 degree days. Hope it is a sign of good things to come. If it goes well, I will only use a handful of pots next year to make Isolation easier. Looks like it is going to be another hot summer if we are hitting 90 in mid April. Speaking of good signs... I have been having an aphid problem with my 60 or so plants I have left in the house that I have not planted out yet. Only find 4 or 5 buggers on a plant here and there but today I found out why they my not have gotten out of hand yet:


I hope the little lady decides to stay for a while!
incredible setup mike!!!!! you really went high tech! awsome raised beds! great dripline. my set up is cavemanlike compared to yours! the savannah 7s look amazing. the 3 savannahs i overwintered have a good amount of flowers soon. i'll send you some as soon as they are busting loose. it's not stabilised so your plants should have some variation. glad to see you step up. hope we both have a great year! take care man!

Haaa Haaa Ed... Regardless of the setups.. at the end of the season my plants and harvest will look a lot more like a caveman's than yours. Nothing replaces those 10+ years of pepper growing experience you have. I second guess and procrastinate about everything thinking today will be the day I murder my plants. LOL Looking forward to trying those savannah’s again soon. They were delicious and maybe your early season pods will be even more flavor and less heat. The thought of having to wait till September before eating a pepper is frustrating..

That is a sweet set up! Looking great!

Thanks Laz! If all goes well I will finally be able to send you a sampler box this fall. Give your dogs and ear scratch for me!
Looking good Michael. That mantid is a very young one so you may have more than one. Keep them happy and your aphid problem won't be around for long. Best of luck to you daddio!
Ahhh I feel much better now... the local weather service has switched to bar charts to better illustrate our wonderful weather forecast. That is your tax dollars at work everyone!

So far I am loving the raised beds. My container plants are acting like last year and overall just seem to be very temperamental. The ones in the ground are handling the heat much better and no wilting during the 90 degree days. Hope it is a sign of good things to come. If it goes well, I will only use a handful of pots next year to make Isolation easier. Looks like it is going to be another hot summer if we are hitting 90 in mid April. Speaking of good signs... I have been having an aphid problem with my 60 or so plants I have left in the house that I have not planted out yet. Only find 4 or 5 buggers on a plant here and there but today I found out why they my not have gotten out of hand yet:


I hope the little lady decides to stay for a while!

It'd be nice to be able to hire an army of those little dudettes when you need them. Mike, looks like your gonna have a jungle of heat out there.
Hey Michael! You and SS are both tied at 27 days without an update.

Man I love giving people a hard time. And no I can't take it.

So uh what's new? :lol:
Ok, still been visiting everyday but not much to talk about with my plants yet. They were set way back with 2 months of almost daily winds and a devil incarnate aphid infestation. Now I have the 100+ temps to deal with but the winds have stopped so I can work with it. Finally got the aphids under control by washing the plants every morning with the sprayer on the hose. It did not eliminate them but got them almost to the point they don't seem to affect the plants. My raised beds are a different story. I think I have soil issues in addition to the aphids and the wind but I am not giving up. They are set back much more than my potted plants but I am hoping for the best. Here are some pictures:



AISPES Pimenta Tiger

White Habalokia

AISPES Pimenta Tiger

Trinidad Scorpion

One of the really set back plants... this had 5" leaves when I planted it...

AISPES TS Morouga Yellow
The aphids seemed to like my scorpions the most by far. They did not really mess with my Tiger or Habalokia’s but they absolutely feasted on any thing with scorpion in its name. I also think another problem I have is dealing with the humidity here in West Texas. Today the humidity was 3% a few days ago the National weather service reported an amazing 1% humidity during the middle of the day. Average for the last month has probably been 8%. It can't be good for the plants can it?. Anybody know what effect it has on the plants.
I am sorry that you are having such a rough time with your weather. My spring was too wet but that was relatively short lived and nothing like your dry heat issues.

What is the soil in your raised beds? What issues do you think you're having(PH, drainage,etc.)? Post some pics we might be able to help.
I'm not sure how to add humidity to your area, but I would put a good layer of mulch on the raised bed and potted plants. I would think that would help hold in the moisture. I can't remember if you did that already to the raised beds. Also, maybe hit them all with a good misting in the evenings. I'm glad you updated, I was wondering how you were doing.
Great looking plants Beagle! Figuring out the weather/ heat is not easy for sure. The shade cloth structures I built for my raised beds has not only lower the temps at the mulch soil level but I believe also increased humidity. I hope there will be even more benefits when I get the mist cooling lines put in.

Good luck to you
Good to see an update Michael.

A lot of your plants look just like mine--recovering.

I'll second the mulch idea to help keep the moisture in. Misting the leaves is a great idea too.

Best of luck to you bro.
I am sorry that you are having such a rough time with your weather. My spring was too wet but that was relatively short lived and nothing like your dry heat issues.

What is the soil in your raised beds? What issues do you think you're having(PH, drainage,etc.)? Post some pics we might be able to help.
Well they grow millions of pounds of green chile less than 25 miles from here. It's grown in open fields with no stakes for wind, no shade cloth, and no Promix. LOL I know it is just going to take some practice and experience before I figure out all the answers.

I noticed that my container plants that only got pure High Quality potting soil are doing much better than the ones I mixed 75/25 with compost. The raised beds were amended with probably 30 - 35 percent compost. Drainage seems to be fine but I think the PH is way off. Actually I planted basil and fennel next to the peppers and they took off, my chile plants just sit there and look pathetic. The aphids had a lot to do with it but after seeing the difference in the container plants the compost may be too hot. Should be good for next year hopefully. I will get some pic up this evening.
I'm not sure how to add humidity to your area, but I would put a good layer of mulch on the raised bed and potted plants. I would think that would help hold in the moisture. I can't remember if you did that already to the raised beds. Also, maybe hit them all with a good misting in the evenings. I'm glad you updated, I was wondering how you were doing.
I am wondering about the mulch myself. I kind of like the evaporation as it allows me to water every day. I actually can go almost 3 days right now before they start to look stressed. If I mulch I might start over watering with all the retained moisture. Sound like I need to do an experiment. The local farmers suggested watering everyday in the heat of the day to help keep them cool. I am at work during that time but water before I leave and usually mist them in the evening. They are doing much better than last year when I let them go 3 days between watering. I do like the cooling effect the mulch has on the soil. I think I will throw in some hay and see what happens. I am thinking even a white disc cut out of cardboard or plastic would help lower temp with out retaining a bunch of moisture.

Did the aphid dance myself... looks like they are all gone now.
I have a bottle of Acetamiprid I am holding off using until I absolutely have too. If they come back in force, I am going to nuke them.

Great looking plants Beagle! Figuring out the weather/ heat is not easy for sure. The shade cloth structures I built for my raised beds has not only lower the temps at the mulch soil level but I believe also increased humidity. I hope there will be even more benefits when I get the mist cooling lines put in.

Good luck to you
I will be watching to see what happens with your experiments. They look very promising. I have a shade structure on my raised beds but it was not being used for shade. It was being used for wind protection. Now I am converting it back to a shade structure. 103+ temps forecast for Tuesday thru Saturday.

Good to see an update Michael.

A lot of your plants look just like mine--recovering.

I'll second the mulch idea to help keep the moisture in. Misting the leaves is a great idea too.

Best of luck to you bro.
Hi Patrick, great to hear from you. I did find another AISPES Yellow Morouga Scorpion that is doing OK but all the Chocolates are pretty pathetic. I think I will try some different things. White Cardboard, white plastic and hay for mulch. And I think I can talk my boys into misting my plants for me every night. ANY chance to use the hose is a win win for them.

When I lived in West Texas, I often misted myself...just to survive.
Ahhh those kind of statements always seem to make me laugh .. thanks CA. At least we can mist ourselves... I will still take my weather any day over Florida or Louisiana or South-East Texas where they get the 95 -100 degrees and 85% humidity. Now that is truly miserable.