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BeagleStorm vs. The 7 Pod Primo - A Review

Ok now were talking. This put a nice burn on the back of my throat. It was definitely much hotter than the Black Naga. I did like the flavor of the Black Naga better but this was not too bad. It was actually pretty similar in taste except the Primo had a slight chemical aftertaste. When I sliced it open it just smelled hot not fruity or delicious. Still waiting to find that chile. I am hoping a yellow seven is the one. Everyone says they taste and smell great. I am so stoked to try one. Now that I made it through this Seven Primo. Scorpion is next, not too excited. I have heard that they taste pretty chemically. I really need to find a pepper that makes me say .. Dam that is a great tasting chile! Thanks again Jacob for the sampler pack of chiles.

Nice video Beaglestorm ;) Thanks for sharing. I understand your search for the "One" pepper that is perfect for you. Everyone has their criteria and that part of the fun of trying so many ;)
hey beaglestorm! great review! that thing was bumpy and gnarly looking. the 7pods are insane! i think if i would have done the jonah first the black naga wouldn't have been so bad. if your looking for flavour i reccomend yellow roccoto. they taste so good. i think redwood city seeds has them. i should have yellow 7pods soon. the plants are big and september and ocotober are usually good harvest moths for me. if you want i can send you one along with whatever else i've got coming at the time. i'm scared to do yellow 7 but i will anyway. i watched salsalady try it the other day and you could see the pain in her face! one guy on here did half and puked! but in a few weeks if you want to try it let me know. take care.
Excellent video Michael. I liked how informative it was. Have you tried Fatalii yet? I think they have lots of flavor and pretty good heat that lasts. I think my wife is getting tired of me raving about how good they taste every time she sees me eating them.
Excellent video Michael. I liked how informative it was. Have you tried Fatalii yet? I think they have lots of flavor and pretty good heat that lasts. I think my wife is getting tired of me raving about how good they taste every time she sees me eating them.

Thanks, I have watched so many good video reviews on THP they have really helped me to think of things to say during the video. Fatali's are near the top of my list of chiles try. I am growing 28 or so varieties and only 5 have set pods (Datil - 1 pod, Lemon Drop - tons of pods, Red Habanero - 2 pods, Caribbean Red - 6 pods and Brazilain Starfish - tons of pods). The heat has been brutal this year basically 99 to 102 every day since early june. Had one week of nice 90 degree weather in July where the plant grew like 3 or 4 inches. In addition to and probably more responsible for my lack of pods is the steep learning curve for successfully growing in containers. Over/under watering and fertilizing, soil drainage and composition, bugs, full sun vs. shade and the dreaded too much love. Anyway, my Fatali is one of my nicer looking plants and is flowering but it won't set any pods. My list for chiles to try consists of a Yellow 7, a scotch bonnet type (TFM, Big Sun, Burkina), a nice habanero (St. Barts, Antillais Caribbean), Fatali, Devils Tongue, Bhut and Chocolate Bhut (got one of these and a Naga Morich coming next week), and finally a Jamaican Hot Chocolate and/or Chocolate Habanero. Big list so I doubt I will get to try them all this year but I hope to make a big dent in the list and more importantly discover a few great ones that are not even on my list. (Bonda Ma Jacque’s maybe?)
Hi Beaglestorm,

Great videos, it's good to see others trying these hotties also. I did think the taste of the yellow 7 was better than the douglah and the chocolate bhut. Hope you get a chance to try one.
