food Beautiful Pancetta today at the market


So it's time to make some

Spaghetti Carbonara

9 pieces Pancetta
2 Lbs Thin Spaghetti
4 Eggs
1 cup Gratted Parmesan
4 cloves Garlic
1 tsp Red Pepper Flakes
Salt and Fresh Cracked Pepper
Fresh Parsley

Bring a pot of salted water to a boil.

While you wait mix the eggs and Parmesan together. Fry the pancetta till crisp and crumble. When done remove the grease so it doesn't burn.

When water is boiling cook pasta. When aldente drain pasta reserving about 1/2 cup of the pasta water.

Now you have to be fast. Warm up bacon grease and sauté garlic.

When drained return pasta to the pot and toss pancetta In. When garlic is smelling good add it and bacon grease to pot and mix into pasta.

Add a little of the pasta water to the egg mix to temper and add it to the pot and start mixing it into the pasta quickly. Add additional pasta water till sauce is at the right consistency.

Add red pepper flakes, salt and pepper and parsley mix and serve. I like to serve it with a crusty Garlic bread and Petite Green Peas.

Here's the pic fest:

Egg mix

Spaghetti boiling

Ready to crumble

Get in dem pot bacon

Garlic smellin right

Get in there


Cheers Y'all!
Prolly my favorite pasta dish. And executed like a murderah! Very well done!!  :drooling:  :drooling:  :drooling:  Gets 3 outta 3 slurping faces from me.
The Hot Pepper said:
I see fresh cracked black pepper on the list. Yay.
That is one of the secrets to a good carbonara, imo. Can be overlooked.
I've always found how fresh BP and Parmajohn play off each other a mighty fine experience. :drooling:
Nice pasta RocketMan......Italian Bacon....Pancetta...nice :dance: :dance:
I prefer the simpler carbonara, but that's really good too! Excellent cooking on bacon!
A really popular similar dish here is fettuccine with peas and diced bacon or ham (it's my dad fav).
Never made it, but it's quite similar to yours, only difference is egg fettuccine + onions vs spaghetti + eggs. I don't remember if garlic.
The recipe I have from Days Of Yor in the restaurant-
1 sl. bacon (pancetta)
1/4 spoon garlic
1/4c egg
edit- diced onion
I have pics, but their not working ATM.  Pics of the original recipe, that is.
Thanks for posting this RM.  Now I'm totally jonesing for it!
OH!  and everythign got a sprinkle of parsley and parm.  JustSayin~
Edit-  aight' got the posting pics thing figured out.
This is the whole page of notes from the Italian restaurant training session. 

here's the Carbonara section-

Looking at it, I would say-
saute pancetta until crisp
add onion to pan
add garlic to pan
Add cream and egg
add cooked spaghetti
PS- Thanks RM for posting that picture of the pasta boiling!!!  :rofl:  didn't know what that looked like.