I cant get bee's on my plants
Get out in the garage to grind up some powder and they appear from no where
WTF is this all about ?
They literally swarmed the bench and the grinder today!!
Freaky kinda cool as I watched them gather the dust of the ground out pods like it was pollen
I mean they were leaving loaded up
Anyone know about this crazy event/STUFF? LOL!
Sorry the phone doesnt do macro for suitable pics but they were indeed loaded up when they left out
Cool. No, I haven't seen such a thing, but then I grind powders inside the house. Would have been nifty if you had pics to post. Do it again!!!! 
Although it's been so long since I've seen a regular honey bee that I'm starting to forget what they look like, I'd imagine you were putting a massive amount of pepper scent into the air to the point where that's all they could sense.  Either that or they had a sadistic leader bee.