contest BEGIN! Hometown Hot Dogs Throwdown

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Dude....that is friggin awesome.
Sum thought this was the tapas TD.
Well, hell. After seeing all of these fantastic entries I don't have a snowball's chance in hell. Too late to sissy out now, though.

Here's my Vienna Indian American (Not American Indian) Dawg.

I just recently moved to Vienna, VA, and know almost next to nothing about it. All I know is that there are a lot of Asians up in hurr. Koreans, Vietnamese, and of course - Indians. So, I decided to make my dawg a tribute to all of my lovely neighbors from the east.

Ballpark wiener (heh) with pepperjack and green onion on the inside, mango and habanero chutney (love me some relish) on the outside, all wrapped in a homemade jalapeno bun.

Ready to go:

The bread is risin', the weather is sweet.

The dogs, prior to grillin':

Simmering down the chut:

Ready for some grubbing:

All in all, I think they tasted pretty damn good. Unfortunately, I made the chutney too hot for my girlfriend to partake in. She's slowly building up to the hot stuff, though, and I couldn't be more proud.
South Beach Skinless

SoBe. The Glitz. The Glamor (Glamour for the Aussies). LeBron James, Paris Hilton, Shakira. They've all had this dog.
You have to know someone who knows someone who knows someone to get into the clubs.
And we do.
Just by uttering the word "SoFlo", lines are shortened, doors open, large bouncers call us "sir", and short skirts practically melt off.
I give you the South Beach Skinless. It's a relative bargain at only $85 per serving. Bottle service extra. Share it with a friend.
We have a Bruleed All Beef Frank, roasted by torch. Served with edible flowers that the locals call "Tears of the Angels" (Tierras de los angeles).
The jalapeno provides a vinegary bite to compliment the mustard and habanero gelleee.
This dish is the new hotness.
The post comes in late because dishes this awesome only come out at night.
I'm a star.


where is the proof of life?

still ten minutes left

edit: and skinny celebrites would never eat the whole thing because of the massive quantites of fat in it.
Nice looking dog, Nick. Someday you have to teach me how to make hot dog buns. Mine always turn out looking like something between a blob 'o dough and a cow patty.

Here's my Indian American (Not American Indian) Dawg.

Ballpark wiener (heh) with pepperjack and green onion on the inside, mango and habanero chutney (love me some relish) on the outside, all wrapped in a homemade jalapeno bun.
Poll coming.

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