contest Begin! Mexican TD

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I'm hearing Speedy Gonzales ARRIBA! ARRIBA!! Andale! Andale!
It's nothing new and I do have meds for it.

edit Thanks Geeme
Don't know the definition of this one but I would say anything from an Habenero up would count.....Don't know if Jallapenos would...
Pretty much anything that's not a sweet pepper (such as a bell) is technically a hot pepper - mild to wild. IMO the most important thing is that your flavors work well together, not the heat level.
Avon - The food looks delicious!

Some of your pics are clear, so it seems it's really a matter of holding the camera steady. If you aren't already doing this, give it a try - make sure your feet are even with the ends of your shoulders, and don't twist or bend your torso. Also, take a breath and hold it before hitting the shutter release.

Thanks. I was really steady though, it was just that I had full sun in the earlier pics and didn't in the later plate presentation pics. It had gotten later in the night and the sun had gotten low and was getting blocked out by trees and clouds. Damn sun doesn't want to hang around too long at this point in the year and indoor pictures are a lost cause. I should have just taken a pic under my grow light but I didn't think about it at the time. :banghead:
Put it in your final post my man.

Hopefully he gets better reception in the north pole than I do in the middle of a decent size city with stupid verizon. :D

Avon is ahead of us in tech... he posted in 3-D.

Have three shots of your fav agave tequila... then cross your eyes.

It's there... I swear.

I never could see those damn things right! They would always be inverted, like they were carved out of something, instead of popping out at me like they're supposed. I'm still bitter about that part of my child hood. :mope: Maybe the tequila is the key. :think: :D
Avon - lack of light typically makes pictures dark, not fuzzy. If your camera is automatically adjusting the f-stop for differing light levels (which I would expect a phone cam to do), it's staying "open" longer than you might realize as it darkens, and/or even are able to hold steady for. Yes, your breathing and even heartbeat can cause enough motion to blur the pics when it's open for a length of time.

But hey - those are thoughts for next time. THIS time, your food still looks great!
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