contest BEGIN! Seafood Sandwich Throwdown

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FreeportBum said:
I'm out, didn't catch anything except a buzz. Looks like it's lobster stew and steaks on the grill tonight. 
This isn't a catching contest, it's a cooking contest. Catching your own is just for coolness factor. Slap that lobster on some bread with other good stuff and you have an entry. Go for it!
I am going to start cooking tonight. Hopefully will get everything done by entry time tomorrow. It's gonna blow your mind away!
Nice work FD. You need to make a FlickR account and get better colors in your photos. Boosh!
And Booma... damn kid... that's some good eats. Like something TB would have made before he became a thumb-ring wearing, patchouli bathing, tofu breathed hippy.
djinn said:
looks good would love to be eating fresh mahi again nice job!
on that note i will be off to a lake, if i can find one here with my son to try to catch a fresh water fish. hope i have enough gas to find a lake!
:rofl: I bet if you throw a rock in any direction it will skip across three lakes. :rofl:

SumOfMyBits said:
And Booma... damn kid... that's some good eats. Like something TB would have made before he became a thumb-ring wearing, patchouli bathing, tofu breathed hippy.
BOOM TOGGLE set to "ON" jajajajajajajaja
FB - I Double Dog Dare you to bust out a Lobster Roll!!!!!!!!!
I've never had one, but it's on my bucket list! I wanna see one "native made"!!!!!!   :D
You peeps better get rockin' the fish sandwich because I am fixin' to come in here and SMASH this competition pretty soon.
Ocean Express
I was after something simple, easy to do, minimal ingredients, and lots of flavours.
So here it is.
3 Salmon Fillets
Beechworth Honey
Dash of Soy
Spreadable Cream Cheese
Birds Eye Chili
Australian Mustard
Beechworth Honey
Fancy Tiny Tomatoes
Bread sub
OK first was to get the smoker going. Marinated the salmon in Honey and Soy, then into the smoker for several hours.
Made a cream cheese sprea by dicing up the chilis, adding this to the cheese and then throwing a handful of capers in. Mix it up.
Sweet and savoury sauce, just a mix of Australian mustard and beechworth honey, simple.
Salsa was a combo of diced avocado, tomatoes and mango, then mixed well.
Slice the sub, spread the cream cheese, layer with salsa, top with salmon and sauce and you are done. Very simple to do, lots of flavours going on.



What is in the pic besides PoL: rye flour, corn flour, Lillet, can o' coffee, congo trinidads, molasses, and plum. Go ahead..... guess what's not in the pic. :D

Yes, that's Canadian walleye caught by my wife and I on 8-24-13. This one should be rustic, somewhat ethnic, and delicious.
Just to put you in the mood for my entry, here's a few 1,000 + year old native paintings not far from where these walleyes were caught, and a sunset on the lake... 



Scoville DeVille said:
:rofl: I bet if you throw a rock in any direction it will skip across three lakes. :rofl:

that maybe so but...i had to make sauce most of the day and gas the kids, wife to the point of...going to an art fair for most of the day...only thing i got to have  happen is old antique dealers that thought they had gold when they had run of the mill cast iron and crocks...i will say with that did get to make 3 small batches of sauce made  :)
scovi really killing a dolphin to make a samich? you do realize they have sex for fun just like us
I like how he describes his future stove
"I might get one of dem flat top stoves with the eyes built in..."
Let see some more sandwiches!!!!!!!!
my entry
opps wrong forum
will try to do this right tomorrow...


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Some homemade jalapeno tartar sauce...

The walleye fillets breaded and ready to go...

Bannock (native fry bread) gettin' down over an open fire...

Taters getting happy... some Vidalia onion, fresh Jimmy Nardello, and Jalapeno peppers added at the end..

The fish...

And again...

Final entry coming...
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