Here's the pump that I've been using....
works great
I have two 32 gal tubs.....tap water gets aerated for 24 hrs.
Here's the ingredients that I use........
a shovel of this and a shovel of that
We're at 18 hrs here......
nice head !
"Black Gold....Texas Tea"
This is the 2nd year I've been brewing Although some of you may not agree with what I'm the mix, I've had excellent results and will continue to make around 56 gal a week.
This was photo was taken yesterday. Some of my tomatoes, which were planted the last week in May. They were a foot tall at the time. The only ferts I've given these and my other plants was a scoop of Osmocote at the time of planting. Otherwise I can contribute the growth to the weekly soil drench of compost tea, about 1/2 gal per plant.
The rest of the garden flowers and all benefit also.