Omri said:Bells aren't really productive, sorry. I've heard of endless methods used by commercial farmers to increase their yields, but still... not very productive.
Interesting. don't think I've ever seen any of those hybrids before. got pics?915river said:Yes they are Omri I had last year Red beauty & Golden summer they was loaded heavy with bell peppers.Both very good sweet variety.
scoville said:Green bell peppers only pepper to give me indigestion!Whats up with that?
I always use a ripe bell when green is called for and have no problems.
Ouch, I feel your pain (well not literally, but you know what I mean).scoville said:Green bell peppers only pepper to give me indigestion!Whats up with that?
I always use a ripe bell when green is called for and have no problems.
Must be it.Txclosetgrower said:It's your body's way of telling you not to eat shitty peppers. Green bell peppers < Ripe bell peppers
Omri said:Bells aren't really productive, sorry. I've heard of endless methods used by commercial farmers to increase their yields, but still... not very productive.
915river said:Yes they are Omri I had last year Red beauty & Golden summer they was loaded heavy with bell peppers.Both very good sweet variety.
BrianS said:Yeah mine were very very productive last year
wordwiz said:My experience is that they are as productive, gram wise, as any pepper I have grown.
drmax said:thank you for the replies....
what i'm after...i have "fresh" seeds from these peppers and am starting a small green house in my basement.
What should I do? Let them dry 1st, or simply plant them?
I have the lighting, soild, etc.
This is the information I am after.
Thank you.
Omri said:Bells aren't really productive, sorry. I've heard of endless methods used by commercial farmers to increase their yields, but still... not very productive.