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seeds Best method for germination?

Here's the method I use for pepper seeds: first label some dixie size plactic cups with the discription of the pepper to be used, then I place the desired amount of seeds in each cup, fill the cup 1/2 way with a 50/50 solution of 10% peroxide and distilled water for about an hour, in the mean time I pre-mix germinating powder(salt peter) in a gallon of distilled water, at that point I rinse one cup of seeds at a time in a fine strainer with running water in the sink, placing seeds back in respective cups, fill cup half way with germinating solution leaving cups in plant room overnite (about 12 hrs.) once again rinse with running water, then 1 cup at a time I plant into 72 count seed flats, labeling as I go, seed trays are covered with plastic humity domes and placed on heated germinating mats until seedlings sprout, 90% success rate germinating all seeds, grow room ambient temp. 80 degrees, humitity at around 50% during sprouting phase.