storage Best Method to Freeze For Later Processing

So through the years I’ve tried so many methods, finding out that all freezers are really not the same. I was curious to know what method has been your best for prolonged life of fresh peppers. Do you vacuum seal whole, or process without seeds then seal? I would love to hear everyone’s thoughts.

I have done Reapers, etc as a whole and vacuum sealed with a freezer life of about a year - never gone past 12 months or needed to.
I don't process many things without seeds. But it's def best to slice in half before vac sealing. Ive had seemingly perfect looking peppers from the exterior have black spots and other nasties inside.
LOTS of pounds of fresh peppers processed here....

If you have room in the freezer....wash/cut/trim fresh pods and toss into freezer bags. Dont freeze peppers without washing and trimming. You can not clean/ trim defrosted peppers....Freezing pods will change consistency.

You can start with daily harvests. Wash/trim and toss in the frozen bag. Just keep adding to the bag daily in the freezer. Cut the peppers at least in half, and if you have time, cut into quarters. That will save room in the freezer bags.

If you want to keep Fresh chiles, use those VeggieFresh produce bags, they will keep peppers fresh for a couple weeks. Then the chiles will need to be processed/preserved in some manner.

Dont VacPak fresh pods, they will tank....
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Just my own experience: the only peppers I've ever frozen fresh are serranos. Just dropped them whole in a ziplok and then into the freezer. Mushy but otherwise good for almost a year (until next harvest). I use them a lot for cooking.

Haven't done any long-term freezing for future processing, or any other peppers than serranos for more than a couple weeks. I would heed the advice of those who have done that more.
Regarding depends on the pepper.

Hots and superhots, i wash and cut in half every single pod to look for bad pods and black seeds. Then dry or freeze with the seeds.

The only ones i worry about removing seeds with are ones like Fresno chiles that have a ton of seeds per pod. Thats mostly personal preference as i dont like a lot of seeds in sauces. Seeds can also be removed with a food mill.