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Grow what you will be enthusiastic to tend to, and whatever it is that interests you. It is more of an obsession than a simple gardening act. Soon enough, you will expand your palate with variety depending on what you want the peppers for. Nothing wrong with growing great paprika peppers to grind and cook with. Or sweet peppers for salad and frying. Or super hots for blowing your tongue out!

Good luck! I have not had good results with big box store plants. They seem to be loaded with aphids, and aphids suck. Truth be told, it was the Bonnie brand too. NEVER again!
Sorry to hear folks with trouble Datil troubles. I had great success this year with Datils from New Mexico State University: the Chile Pepper Institute http://www.chilepepperinstitute.org/ I germinated on moist paper towers and had close to 100% spout. Currently three growing in pots that are thriving and absolutely covered in small pods and blossoms. Several in the ground not doing so well after aphid issues but it wasn't the seed's fault! The other seeds I received from NMSU were equally successful.
Best beginners chilli in my experience is the NTR's from the hippy seed co. Much nicer tasting then super Chilli's as well as much larger in size
Alright i mailed you an envelope yesterday. Yellow brain strain, chocolate habaneros, and some white 7 pots. i did try planting the yellow BS and the white 7s which have already germinated. Took under 10 days in jiffy pellets. Good luck to you friend!