seeds-germination best place to get seeds

Joe is a good source, Judy over at is incredible for variety and service, Junglerain( don't remember the website) has some interesting varieties as well. Check out the Vender's Vault.
All of the above are good, and JungleRain is good as well. Both JungleRain and THSC are relatively inexpensive. Avoid and eBay. Got seeds from both and got burned, no pun intended.
Aijijoe email me so o can get your address and I will email you my order

Use pepper order for subject

With the group of people we have on here I don't think I need to order from the well known suppliers again. ;)

the only pepper seeds I buy from a big supplier is the Billy Biker Jalapenos (Burpee) ... only place you can get them....

don't forget Beth @ ... she is cool, has been doing it a long time, and has a pretty good selection...
Probably best to read the Vendor Vault where it says:

[background=rgb(233, 216, 193)]Review seed and plant vendors. Post praises and/or concerns regarding vendors, their pricing, reliability, and more.[/background]