seeds Best Soil Make-up for Germination


I am going to start germinating some ornamental peppers I have ordered to test the "AJ Germinator" I built now that I have the temperature under control. This will be a test for the spring 2008 germination efforts.

I have read many, many opinions/articles about pepper seed germination soil. All of them say a well drained soil such as a "sandy loam".

Things I have read:
1. 1/3 Garden Soil, 1/3 Vermiculite, 1/3 Perlite
2. Potting Soil
3. 1/3 Garden Soil, 1/3 Vermiculite, 1/3 Sand

What soil make-up do you use when germinating your seeds?

I just buy a seed starting mix from one of the big box stores 'cause I've gotten lazy in my old age. If you go with a potting soil do NOT get regular Miracle Grow Potting Soil! I know, I know, it's almost impossible to avoid, but it's not good for pepper seedlings.

Btw, when I made my own seed starting mix, I used equal parts of perlite, vermiculite, and peat or coir. I really prefer a fluffy, soiless seed starting medium.
agree with habman coco or pro-mix is the best for me ....I try a lot of thing and I use coco jiffy or some pro-mix in a stirofoam cup ...
I have had really bad luck with anything containing peat, and I have seen this reiterated on several pepper web sites.
I am just testing the setup right now before springs big project. I am starting 15 seeds, Little Elf, Marbles, and Largo Purple. Found a pre-mix seed starter at my local nursery by Hoffman out of New York called Seed Starter. Cost 5.95 per 10 Qts Dry Soil. Ingredients Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss, Vermiculite, Limestone (pH adjustor) and a Wetting Agent. Very nice texture to the soil - very light with good water retention. No fertilizer.

I am keeping a log on everything associated with this little project.

The germinator is working fine. I bought a thermostat with a remote probe that is keeping a constant 86 F.

Hope you all don't mind me bothering you with my details.
AlabamaJack said:
Hope you all don't mind me bothering you with my details.

Oh no, we *love* details!

Gives us something to pick apart and quibble over.

Naw, seriously, details are how we learn from your triumphs and mistakes, and they nudge us into telling about *our* mistakes so you can avoid them.
:lol: AJ Likes Quibbling...;)
Well, the following is how I feel about it:

Time is so precious and friends are so dear,
With loved ones around I have nothing to fear;
Lets sit down and pick us an old country tune,
In the hill country heart 'neath the Luckenbach Moon.