Hi all,
I have a simple question for you !! just curious to know what is your favorite pepper for the taste (and not for heat).
Cause I'm searching for some sweet pepper to grow next season so just tell me wich one you prefer and a lil description of the taste if you can ;) !!
Hey hey! May not help, but I have a really squatty red bell that I originally got at a farmers market. It is so damn sweet and yummy it hurts, but I am not sure of the variety or name. I may be able to spare a seed or two though.
I love Corno Di Toro peppers, both red and yellow. I describe them as the sweetest bell you've ever had minus the burp. I also always grow a few pimento peppers, I love that thick flesh. This year I grew Figero and Sheepnose Pimento.
Jimmy Nardello peppers are very productive and are supposed to be the sweetest non-bell pepper, and they usually grow well for me. Cubanelles are good too, I really should try Corno Di Toro. And Greek pepperoncini's I grew one year and really liked them.
Jimmy Nardello peppers are very productive and are supposed to be the sweetest non-bell pepper, and they usually grow well for me. Cubanelles are good too, I really should try Corno Di Toro. And Greek pepperoncini's I grew one year and really liked them.

I think that most of the sweet Italian heirlooms are pretty tasty. I've grown Melrose and the Jimmy Nardello before, too, and they're good eating.

One word of warning about the Corno Di Toros, they are very tall, lanky plants. You'll want to give them some support or branches that are heavily laden with pods sometimes break.
For a blocky bell type pepper, I would say Giallo di Cuneo, it has a strong pepper flavour and is very sweet and crunchy. I am also growing my own F3/F4 sweet bell peppers from a crossed Rogueland's Red Bell which all have soo much of that strong peppery flavour I am looking for mixed with a sweetness I haven't found anywhere else, although Giallo di Cuneo comes close...

For a Eastern European type, I prefer Buran and Healthy, they are early and with good flavour.

Then there's also the aromatic chinenses witout heat, I like NuMex Suave Orange.

And for a baccatum with no or small amount of heat, Kaleidoskop is a nice choice...

By the way, the two worst peppers I have ever come across are Sunrise Orange and Purple Beauty, bad, flat flavour even when ripe.
thanks all !i'll watch for them ! I seen a sweet habs with no heat ??? anybody taste them ??I think it'S Vicentes Sweet Habanero or some thing like that?
first of all I'll make something clear ....I love the heat...I love the pain ....and I love a lot of heat and pain togeter but My stomac dont :shocked: but i'm pepper addict so a love the mild pepper to ....dont juge me !!! cause I cant eat more hot pepper than you ;) (this is a joke just dont care )