annuum Best tasting Thai Pepper?

Just curious as to what everyone's opinions are on the best tasting thai pepper. 
Gettin my grow ready for 2017 and feel I should have one or two thai in it. I grew the large orange thai for the Growdown a few years ago. It was OK. Thinking maybe one the smaller varieties may be better. 
I really liked joyners thai blend of pepper powder so i'm sure I can put some to good use. 
Just need to know what would be the best seeds to order. 
I used to grow 25-33% thai's ...
So versatile ...
Good fresh, ripe, dried etc ...
I won't really put anything spicier on pizza, either ...

I almost hate to say this, even more so because mine came from Hirt's Hurt's ... but I actually like the Super Chili one's the most at the end of the day ...
The combination of growing characteristics (resistance to high-humidity crap on the interiors of the large plants), yield, and flavor made them the most useful ...
I grew Hanoi and Tatsu-something and a longer H- one and like 7-8x in total ... but liked the Super Chili most.
I imagine they exist from someone other than Hirt's ...
I cast my vote for the SMALL Orange Thai also. I much preferred it to the large (although I only ate the large ones fresh, I have heard that they are quite good dried and powdered). The small's I've actually only had dried (Tony/Scorched sent me some pods), but they were just fragrant and tasty all around - awesome! They are most certainly on my list to grow this next season so I can then sample them fresh and have more dried to make into powder! 
alriiight, small orange thai it is. Now I just need to order some seeds. I usually see red or dragon at home depot in the spring. 
SavinaRed said:
is the orange the same pepper hogleg likes in his post ?
The regular orange from Thailand, yes 
I ordered orange thai from duffy, going through puckerbutts seeds. I really don't like him as an individual but there's some tempting ones in the chris phillips collection. 
Anyone had the black thai orchid market from Chris phillips collection?

Darn, just read the small print on duffys orange thai. It's the large orange. ... Guess I'll order from puckerbutt too
hogleg said:
The small orange thai is amazing!! I believe its the "seedsavers" one. It taste like orange roses smell. Prolly in my top two best tasting annuums.
I think this is it. I got mine in a sfrb sent last year. But I think this is the same one.

That looks like a very interesting variety to grow!
But are there any other sources for seeds of this? Puckerbutt charges a ridiculously high amount for international shipping... :(
D3monic said:
Anyone had the black thai orchid market from Chris phillips collection?

Darn, just read the small print on duffys orange thai. It's the large orange. ... Guess I'll order from puckerbutt too
This one :)

CP and I exchanged many Thai seeds that we both got directly from Thailand. 
lek said:
I'm Thai but I never heard of orange Thai pepper.  
Heard of the yellow one?
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Heard of the yellow one?
Yes. In Thailand, we have พริกเหลือง  
เหลือง = yellow, พริก = pepper.    