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hot-sauce Betcha no one has this HotSauce!

No one? Dude this is The Hot Pepper ;) Search the forums, you'll see who has tried it, and their reviews.
Omri said:
Dude, I've tried hotter things. I'm sure Hippy, IGG and those guys tried stuff WAYYY hotter.

I'd like to know what's hotter other than pure cap. Isn't this the hottest other than pure cap? I could be wrong
ExtremeBurn said:
I'd like to know what's hotter other than pure cap. Isn't this the hottest other than pure cap? I could be wrong
Your not wrong at all, Yeah I know I'm still learning about hot peppers, but this is the hottest stuff in the world.
There is a bit of room to play with between the source(7.1million SHU) and pure cap which is 15million SHU
I tried other extracts which were hotter, so I seriously doubt the 7.1m rating. my own extract was A LOT hotter, and it was nowhere near pure cap.
There is a bit of room to play with between the source(7.1million SHU) and pure cap which is 15million SHU

yeah, there is a bit of room... but what's hotter than The Source besides pure cap???
Omri said:
I tried other extracts which were hotter, so I seriously doubt the 7.1m rating. my own extract was A LOT hotter, and it was nowhere near pure cap.

i agree there is hotter... but HPLC rating wise there has been nothing to my knowledge. if there is i'd really like to know
7-10 million?
7-10 is tap water.
Omri, may I please ask what you think is hotter than this? I'd really like to know so I can try it!

I'm thinking blairs 6 am (maybe 5 am too), caldera and the 16 million reserve but I can't really think of anything else.

I'm not really willing to shell out the cash for a couple mil hotter lol