• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Better Late than Never

Hey all,

This is what I am currently working with.

3x3 Secret-Jardin Grow-tent
400w DIGILUX MH bulb (45,000) Lumes
Homemade exhaust fan
8inch clip fan for stem training
Seedlings started in Jiffy Pucks
Transplanted into solo cup with Jiffy Seedling Starter Mix
5.5 x 5.5 pots filled with 707 Organic Potting Mix

Started a bit late; but hey, with months to go who cares ?




Understand. I think a lot of folks who grow peppers enjoy the distraction from every day life that being involved in growing things can bring. It's been proven time and again gardening and other hobbies can reduce the stress of our day to day lives. And I agree that there is usually more than one cure for a problem. But, I love buts, using a product that you know will work on and potentially fix a problem without having to search and try this and try that to see what will work can also prevent a bit of stress. You know what's best for you and I wish you good luck.
I'm not fully trained in the arts of mental health... But I did minor in Counseling as an undergrad. It seems to me that my professors largest complaints were not related to being drug down by constant complaints RE demons coming out of the walls (though he did have a few patients I'm sure), instead he was drug down by the monotony of having 30 clients (A light load no doubt) all with the same story, and minorly different details...

He said once a year he has to go off and have a good cry... But that over all, the hardest thing to overcome is the monotony - continuing to act interested when for the 20th time this week, a couple comes in with the same communication problem RE money.

If playing fast and loose with your plants calms your nerves, then more power to you. The rest of us are not in it to grow the hottest pepper, or the fastest pepper either... most of us do it for the love of gardening, and more particularly the love of the plant and pod.

This makes /most/ of us want to do whats best for said plant/pod.

Which means most of us have very similar products in our garages...

I think its not until people truly understand how similar to everyone else the desire to be different makes them, that they can really be free to actually be different... Where it counts. You wouldn't try giving your child vitamin C, when they needed chemo, radiation, and a tumor-ectomy... Don't do the same to your plants... It may not be cal/mag deficiency... But know going in, if it is, and you dink around with cures that aren't effective, that your plant will probably die.

That said, epsom salts are a good source of magnesium and sulfur, and egg shells are a good source of calcium... The water off tuna in water, is well received by my plants (high in nitrogen).

Lastly, if you are trying to do something different, asking for advice only gives you more roads that you can't take...

I have definitely experienced what your prof did... compassion fatigue as it is commonly called. Currently, I am growing peppers as a way to decompress after working with, and for, individuals living with very acute / severe symptoms; of some very serious psychiatric disabilities. The office I am in is known in the community for working for most incapacitated individuals.

In regards to your post, maybe I am playing fast and lose with my plants; probably because most of my day is spent working as hard as I can to keep people from getting to a point of killing themselves or others. Its kinda nice knowing I can play around and try unknown things (therapies if you will).

On that note, I am noticing that more and more of my plants are beginning to get this leaf curl... crappers.
Nothing like distracting from constant conversations about delusions, suicide, demons jumping out of the walls etc.
-- Mega

Wait, MegaMan, that sounds like THP :twisted: Just kidding :D Good on ya for taking on a tough job!
Sorry I can't help with your leaf curl problem - maybe try posting it to the growing hot peppers forum
and see if someone has a suggestion.