Better Process School

Has anyone here been through these schools yet? I was lucky enough to get a spot in the Clemson class coming up in a few weeks for SC where it is a requirement.

Are they fairly tough classes with lots of beakers and science word problems?
I'm BPCS certified.  Just pay attention, you'll do fine.
The school teaches the class but it's taught in Greenville. That's about all I know. Essentially, it's a requirement in order to can and sell to the public low acid and acidified foods such as salsas, jellies and hot sauces.

I'm a ServSafe instructor and a hacky cook by trade, so I am hoping I won't have to unlearn too many things. Does it help with insurance or does it not matter because it's a requirement?
doesn't matter for insurance, it's a requirement from health districts or process authorities.
But, never thought of this before...but it might get a discount on an insurance policy for a processor....  Hmmmm...   gonna have to check that out!
So, this school is nothing like I had anticipated. It is geared for the commercial big guys, not small producer. But I get why they have a course this intensive because you never know where a road will take you. And the certificate is good for life.

If nothing else, I'll have made some very good contacts and am getting the guidance needed for my small venture.
And if the opportunity arises, a person could apply for any number of positions for a food processor/big guy food processor. 
Is your course complete? 
We finish tomorrow. Charleston doesn't have any big food manufacturing. However, a few guys in my class are working for a brand new dairy just a few miles away. They're the first US employees.
well :cheers: Mate!  It may not seem like much now, but it will be a good credential for you to have.  There are many different ( and thought about before but got the paper!!!) opportunities that could arise. 
:clap:  Nice!