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BFG Growers Select M1 Professional Mix

"General Purpose Middle weight bark mix(Approx. 25% Bark, 55% Peat, Perlite, Vermiculite)

Anybody know anything about it? The local nursery uses it. 2.8cf for $13.

I'm planning on planting into 5 ga buckets. Trying not to spend tons on pricey Promix bales(that I can't find anyways)

Anybody use this before straight up or part of a mix?
I've never seen it but sounds like a good mix. The bark should help with drainage depending on the size. One of the best homemade container mixes uses pine bark fines as the base. I use straight ProMix BX with a bit of composted manure for my containers. Wish they sold the mix you're looking at around here. I'd definitely give it a try.
so 25% bark; 55% peat...leaves about 20% for the perlite/vermiculite
should I throw some more perlite in there?
maybe composted manure.
probably using slow release ferts.
i'm goin back to the nursery today to read the bag better and see if i can get more info on the ingredients, maybe talk to nursery manager.
I bought two bags in late March and though it's early, I'm very happy with it. Light, drains well and a great price. I amended mine with bat guano and Tomato Tone. 
I prefer a mix that's equal parts of bark, peat/coir, and perlite.  So I'd have a tendency to add more bark.  It's going to be the cheapeast, and also be your best aerating amendment.

If you grow conventional, that would be ideal.  If you grow organic, you'll need some more small particles in there. (like compost)  But all in all, it meets the basic requirements.  Almost any mix will need some fine tuning, depending on how, where, and what, you grow...