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Bhut Jolokia and Habanero Red Savina

Hi, this post is about two of my plants and some questions about them, probably already asked somewhere in the forum, but I think it could help someone with the similar "poblems".

First...the ladies:

Bhut Jolokia (2years, first year to have promising fruits):


It's outdoor, good warm weather (30celsius=86fahren), moist soil, not to much, has many little pods, some flowers and some of them are ready to have a fruit, but...the 2 first pods (I thinks it's called pods..I'm portuguese...the little things that have flowers:P) that had a little tiny green center (probably a newborn fruit) after the they supose do pollinate correctly, falled, and the "foot" of the pod seemed somehow yellowish..I wonder..they have good sun, no directly, allways water, not to much, but I'm affraid they start to fall and I can't get to save mu Bhut in time...Is it a good time to put some ferltilizer?

Habanero Red Savina (?) (3years, second year with promising fruits):


The same conditions of Bhut, but... somehow the same prob, some falling pods that appear to be very nice and start to go a bit yellowish and fall, but note, the number of pods that fall are very few, I'm just trying to check if there is a problem to fix it on time, I know that in many several new pods that they have some will be lost...check the next image. it's a detailed foto of one that already have a little pepper but...I think he might fall:


so... with all of this lame long post...what have some of you to say that may help me keep raising these two beauties in the right way:)

another question....I have little draining holes in those two pots, should I make more holes? I don't think it has any problems down there.

P.S.: Oh, One last thing..The habanero red savina grew up next to some bhuts and last year he didn´t really had red savina he had some kind of long wrinkled bhut sized peppers but tinner than bhuts,I know they were not bhut and I think it maybe crossed with them and got some jolokeros (I call them jolokeros:)) is that easy to get haba crossed with bhut? seeing that they're both chinense, I'll post the new fruits here when they rippen to be judge:)

thanks and hope you have some good tips regarding these two plants.
Your plants look pretty good, but; you said no direct sun, why? Direct sun is important.
Even if they had crossed (unlikely) you wouldn't see the result until after you planted seed from the fruit/pods.
At this point I would question the watering. How do you check whether or not the plants need water? Do you physically check the dirt? Down about 4"/10cm?
Some other posters should weigh in here pretty soon and give you some more ideas. Good luck.
Your plants look pretty good, but; you said no direct sun, why? Direct sun is important.
Even if they had crossed (unlikely) you wouldn't see the result until after you planted seed from the fruit/pods.
At this point I would question the watering. How do you check whether or not the plants need water? Do you physically check the dirt? Down about 4"/10cm?
Some other posters should weigh in here pretty soon and give you some more ideas. Good luck.

Hi. thanks for the quick reply. Well, I don't put them in direct sun because I'm affraid of sunburns, but I think The haba is ready for it, today I'll try it, regarding the mistery fruit...I kept some seeds and planted them, they're are still young but probably they will give some fruits this year, when they do I'll post them and we'll see:), water...check with my hands and water them when the surface is dry, 2cms deep dry. thanks, :)
Hi. thanks for the quick reply. Well, I don't put them in direct sun because I'm affraid of sunburns, but I think The haba is ready for it, today I'll try it, regarding the mistery fruit...I kept some seeds and planted them, they're are still young but probably they will give some fruits this year, when they do I'll post them and we'll see:), water...check with my hands and water them when the surface is dry, 2cms deep dry. thanks, :)

2cm is less than an inch; not nearly a deep enough check for soil moisture in plastic buckets. Go at least 10cm.
As to the sun; go slow if they aren't hardened to direct sunlight. Cheers.
so...I should let them dry a bit deeper? ok...I think maybe I overwater them a little some days..they stand good at direct sun I think I'm experimenting now..I'll be carefull with it, thanks again
Hello there Luis,
Let me tell you that I don't think theres anything wrong with your plants.
If you see that your plants look healthy and are producing lots of flowers then there's no reason to be worried... even if your fist 2 pods fall off.
If the problem persists for 2 more weeks then yes, you might start to worry.

Give them a little of direct sun, a few hours in the morning to start with.
Do what Ajarn told you and check the soil to see how wet it is. You might be overwatering them if you water everytime the surface drys up.

Keep us posted on your progress :)


PS: Tb sou de Portugal, se tiveres duvidas em alguma coisa que eu possa ajudar avisa
For plastic buckets there is an easy way to tell how dry the soil is; water your plants, then pick up the bucket to see how heavy it is. Then, when you think it's dry, pick it up; if it's really dry it will be noticeably lighter (a lot lighter). Cheers.
For plastic buckets there is an easy way to tell how dry the soil is; water your plants, then pick up the bucket to see how heavy it is. Then, when you think it's dry, pick it up; if it's really dry it will be noticeably lighter (a lot lighter). Cheers.

That's how I do it. It's really noticeable and one of the easiest ways to do it.
Your plants look great luispereira. Having some flower drop is quite normal. All of mine are currently doing it. The bud appears, flowers and sometimes I'll even see the little pepper growing then the stem will begin to turn yellow and eventually the pod will drop off. I think it's just something you have to deal with when growing Chinense.

When mine start to flower I will use a fertilizer that has a high phosphorus number. Something like a NPK of 5-10-5. Phosphorus is the primary thing that plants need to set and grow peppers.

Best of luck to you.
Your plants look great luispereira. Having some flower drop is quite normal. All of mine are currently doing it. The bud appears, flowers and sometimes I'll even see the little pepper growing then the stem will begin to turn yellow and eventually the pod will drop off. I think it's just something you have to deal with when growing Chinense.

When mine start to flower I will use a fertilizer that has a high phosphorus number. Something like a NPK of 5-10-5. Phosphorus is the primary thing that plants need to set and grow peppers.

Best of luck to you.

yes patrick, it's just that, the thing about the stems...I know not all will survive...but you know..we must try to save all of them:D, I think they will produce a quite good harvest this year!
I'm really glad you posted this luis. I had the same type of problem with some of my last plants (not the ones currently growing). I never did figure out what the problem was but after listening here I think I may have been overwatering.

Here in Mid-west Florida we get plenty of rain during the summer time. I'm thinking I may have to drill more holes in my pots to allow for better drainage. I have large pots but most of them only have one 1" hole in the bottom. More holes you think?

I'm really glad you posted this luis. I had the same type of problem with some of my last plants (not the ones currently growing). I never did figure out what the problem was but after listening here I think I may have been overwatering.

Here in Mid-west Florida we get plenty of rain during the summer time. I'm thinking I may have to drill more holes in my pots to allow for better drainage. I have large pots but most of them only have one 1" hole in the bottom. More holes you think?


yes burns, I have large pots with only one hole or two, thanks for re-remind me that probably I must get some more holes to help draining excess of water..I really have to do that..