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chinense Bhut Jolokia - CPI seed

I'm growing a Bhut Jolokia grown from CPI seed, the plant is very healthy and producing well for me. But the pods seem to be on the small side, at least compared to one of the Chocolate Bhut Jolokias I'm growing as well. Also the pods are growing straight, while still beautiful, they are not displaying the wilder contortions I've seed on some pics. Has this also been your experience? What's your favorite source for Bhut seeds? I have a few isolated pods growing on my CPI Bhut and I'll grow them next year regardless, but I'd also like to find a legit, larger Bhut to grow.
Pepperlover has some really cool ones. Very long and knarly looking. Nicest ones iv'e grown to date.
I also am growing one from Dave(asias garden) they are just starting to produce.
I have 2 NMSU/CPI Bhuts. One is in a 7gal pot the other is in hydro. The one in dirt, produces fat wrinkly, pimply, bent, folded pods 2 1/2" to 3" long. The one in hydro produces long pendant, pimply, spikey pods. I have been very careful to monitor these 2 plants so I know where they came from and didn't get them confused with any other plants.

When I chatted with CPI about the shape of the pods they said there was going to be variation due to the fact that their Bhut is an interspecies hybrid.
the NMSU bhuts are not considered small but from what i've seen this year chocolate bhuts can get huge. NMSU's are the hottest bhut i've had.
the NMSU bhuts are not considered small but from what i've seen this year chocolate bhuts can get huge. NMSU's are the hottest bhut i've had.

Interesting you mention that they've been the hottest, kind of makes sense. I'm trying to hybridize it with my rather large choco bhuts and hope that the red + the crazy looking pods will combine in the same plant.

I have bhut's I've been happy with. History...seeds came from Pepper Joe and are what he calls the "Giant Bhut Jolokia". I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that he originally got seeds from cpi and grew them out / kep the big ones & repeated for a few years. I got them from my neighbor and grew them out last year, kept seeds from the nicest pods. My neighbor, PepperPat, grows them too and had awesome results. HUge pods, hude plants, nice production. You can see some of them in my 2010 grow thread - http://www.thehotpep...2010-grow-log/. I was a little lazy with the pictures but a few bhuts made it in here and there. Actually, my avatar is 8 of my bhuts and a quarter from last year's grow:-) I sent BigT, Millworkman & Mudstud pods last year. BigT & Millworkman have them growing this year but I think Mudstad lost his. PepperPat is growing them again too. I have 6 in this year's garden. Happy to send you some of these seeds if you want to give them a shot. I didn't isolate anything so crosses may be possible. All mine appear to be growing true this year though. If you want some just PM your address and I'll mail them out.

Grow on :cheers:
Happy to help spread the peppery goodness around :onfire:

I'm sure conditions play into growth but overall I have been really happy with these seeds/pods. Are you planning on starting the seeds soon? If not and you can wait a month or so I'll send you the actual pods and you can pull the seeds yourself. Either way is cool with me.

I have 2 NMSU/CPI Bhuts. One is in a 7gal pot the other is in hydro. The one in dirt, produces fat wrinkly, pimply, bent, folded pods 2 1/2" to 3" long. The one in hydro produces long pendant, pimply, spikey pods. I have been very careful to monitor these 2 plants so I know where they came from and didn't get them confused with any other plants.

When I chatted with CPI about the shape of the pods they said there was going to be variation due to the fact that their Bhut is an interspecies hybrid.

Makes it easy to understand how you could get Naga Morich, Dorset Naga and the rest from this variation.
Here's what my CPI Bhuts look like:



And here's what my Choco Bhuts look like:



Interesting you mention that they've been the hottest, kind of makes sense. I'm trying to hybridize it with my rather large choco bhuts and hope that the red + the crazy looking pods will combine in the same plant.
I have several PJ Giant Bhuts , and am relying Mother Nature to attempt a cross with the chocolates. I transplanted last month to ground when approx 18" tall, in groups of 4(3 giants and 1 chocolate, 3 nagas and 1 chocolate-they are in separate plots, but not truly isolated behind screens etc).My chocolates are large and contorted, and were purchased as live plants, the GBJ's from seeds started end of Feb.We shall see?!!!
I have several PJ Giant Bhuts , and am relying Mother Nature to attempt a cross with the chocolates. I transplanted last month to ground when approx 18" tall, in groups of 4(3 giants and 1 chocolate, 3 nagas and 1 chocolate-they are in separate plots, but not truly isolated behind screens etc).My chocolates are large and contorted, and were purchased as live plants, the GBJ's from seeds started end of Feb.We shall see?!!!

Would love to see some pics when you get some pods maturing.

Don't rely on mother nature, do it yourself: