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Bhut Jolokia plants

Hi all,

I am still new to this board but I have read almost everything I can so far. I started 10 seeds back in September and managed to get 4 plants to grow, 2 Bhut Jolokia and 2 Red Caribbean Habanero. I am most interested in the Bhut Jolokia plants and thankfully they are doing the best. The Bhut's started later but quickly outgrew the Habaneros. I have a blog post that describes a couple of issues that I have with the Bhut Jolokias. First is that dark coloring on the stems of the leaves. The coloring extend down the stem from the main part of the plant to about 1/3 of the leaf but only on the stem it's self. The leaves have a very healthy green color to them and there is new growth at the tops of the plant and at each intersection of leaf stem and the main part of the plant. Over all the plants are about 6" tall and started from seeds at the end of September.Over all I think they are doing fine but would like the thoughts of those that have grown these before.

The link is to the post I put on my blog and has 3 pics. I don't know how to make this board accept the images straight to this post.

Thanks in advance, Bradford

The coloring on the stem is normal, I'm not totally clear on why but it's not an indication of something detrimental. From what I read it's a sign of receiving a certain spectrum of light. The second plant is a bit lighter which could be from over watering and the burn marks can be from too much heat or nutrient burn, not sure. From my perspective, your plants are fine.

When posting you can select the pic icon to paste in the photo link.

Your plants look fine to me and bhuts are the main ones i grow among other types but bhuts are my number one fav of them all
Thanks for the fast replies. You all have taken a load off my mind. The only things I have added to the plants so far has been a small amount of slow release Osmocote and a light dose of Chelated Iron. The leaves started to turn yellow which made me start to research things. Iron deficiency was the first problem and I got that to go away. Calcium will be my next worry for right now then. I am using a T-5 8 bulb light with half red/blue lights. The light is about 3'/+ from the plants at the moment and I could raise it more and probably will since I need to add a few plants under the coverage area.

Thanks again for the replies.
Hi all,

Not sure if these guys are going to make it but I'm going to put up a fight. The plants have a nice green color all over but the leaves are all curling up like cups. The leaves feel tender like healthy leaves should but they have me worried. My all day temps are in the 75f to 80f range, can't seem to get it any higher with the humidifier running near them. Humidity is about 30%, I was trying to get it up to 40%. These are all under a T5, 8 bulb light that is about 2 or 3 feet above the plants.

Does the leaf turning mean I need to add something like calcium? There is some Oscote long release fertilizer on the soil. The soil is half and half Perlite/Peat moss with a handful or so of compost mixed in. I water every couple of days. The PH reads on the high side if 6, probably due to my water being so high in PH.

Now for pics...

Thanks in advance guys, you always come through with great suggestions that come from experience.
The dimpling on the leaves, as other growers have stated, may be a sign that the plant is lacking in cal-mag.

I had a plant that had dimpled a bit on a few leaves but the plant managed fine and produced.
alot of indoor growers have that issue, i know i do. the only way ive been able to mitigate it is by raising my 600w HPS to 18" or higher.
it dosent seem to effect yield tho, at least not severely.
Started using Miracle grow and they are doing great now. I finally raised the temp to above 80 and the flowers started to open. Getting big now too, they measure out at 13" from the dirt now.


It's been a while sine I posted on this forum. I lost all but one plant and none have ever started a fruit I barely saved one plant when I did some drastic pruning and then transplanted it to a Hydroponics set up. The one remaining Bhut Jolokia plant is is a nice green color now. There had been zero flower sites until the transplant and now there are a ton but none have opened but none have fallen off yet either. Sine there is more room in my tent I decided to grow heirloom Tomato, Cucumber, cantaloupe and Zucchini. I still have hope for the bhut Jolokia to produce a fruit or two for me.
Those discolouration on the stems are Anthocyanin. Think of it as suntan for plants.

Its harmless and happens prominently on most chinenses.
Yeah, it's just a tan. Luckily, pepper plants can't get skin, er... stem cancer, so that's out of the question. :P

I don't think you've got anything to worry about, but then, based on the replies you've got so far that should be obvious.