Bhut Jolokia White

couple pics from last season:

compmodder26 said:
Those sure are perty!  :)
Thanks man, you want a couple of pods to review?
theghostpepperstore said:
Very cool pods!
Why thank you good sir
newpeppergrower1105 said:
Where did you get the seeds I really badly want to grow those cool looking peppers. How hot are they compared to regular red ghost peppers?
Seeds are from, a great vendor. But i believe you can find them for sale from most of the bigger vendors online. To me, heat wise they are very close to the reds, I couldn't tell any noticeable difference.
Those are some really cool looking pods. Just got that wild look. I would like to try to grow one next season. 
newpeppergrower1105 said:
i really want one of those peppers if you dont mind can you sell me one of those peppers? 
It wouldn't be worth you paying me for it cause Paypal would take most of it. I'll have to wait a few days until a few more ripen but I'll send you a few. It won't be a full SFRB or anything but I'll find a smaller box to put them in
What would be an ideal container to send a single pod in? I've often wondered this, trying to get pods to reviewers without wasting the extra postage, but still protecting the pepper.
coheed196 said:
It wouldn't be worth you paying me for it cause Paypal would take most of it. I'll have to wait a few days until a few more ripen but I'll send you a few. It won't be a full SFRB or anything but I'll find a smaller box to put them in
one would be more then enough i just want to taste the flavor and heat and grow a plant ill gladly pay shipping
Scarlet Fire said:
What would be an ideal container to send a single pod in? I've often wondered this, trying to get pods to reviewers without wasting the extra postage, but still protecting the pepper.
I'm not sure quite yet, I'm thinking of something like if you were to order a shot glass from somewhere like a box big enough for a shot glass would be perfect
coheed196 said:
I'm not sure quite yet, I'm thinking of something like if you were to order a shot glass from somewhere like a box big enough for a shot glass would be perfect
ROMY has always sent me peppers via problems.. never squished...
coheed196 said:
Seeds are from, a great vendor. But i believe you can find them for sale from most of the bigger vendors online. To me, heat wise they are very close to the reds, I couldn't tell any noticeable difference.
There are various Not-Whites that are never white and end up red doing the rounds. Pepper Lover refers to the difference in the listing of Bhut Jolokia White on her site.
Mr. Hill said:
Is it a white variant of the Red Bhut Jolokia or a cross to get the white??
I've seen photos of Pepper Lover's strain that remind me of photos of the Limo Blanco (smooth, conical).
coheed196 said:
And here's the plant they came from

Have you thought about leaving some of those pods on the plant until they begin to dehydrate and only then harvesting them for seed?
No I haven't, I thought if left on the plant they would rot/fall off.

Also I don't know what you mean by your post about the non-whites. I know a lot of people bought "white bhut" seeds and ended up with something else last year. I was just stating that my white bhut seeds came from Pepperlover and they are indeed ripening to white, unless you're suggesting they'll turn red if left on the plant?
I'm very confused sorry if I took it the wrong way
coheed196 said:
No I haven't, I thought if left on the plant they would rot/fall off.

Also I don't know what you mean by your post about the non-whites. I know a lot of people bought "white bhut" seeds and ended up with something else last year. I was just stating that my white bhut seeds came from Pepperlover and they are indeed ripening to white, unless you're suggesting they'll turn red if left on the plant?
I'm very confused sorry if I took it the wrong way
At the time of my post I searched for White Bhut and came up with a number of results that clearly showed the red variety that was being sold as a White Bhut in a previous season. I bought seed from a vendor who distributed seed imported from the subcontinent (he said India but I traced the photos back to Sri Lanka). You've more or less grasped the point that what was being sold previously as Bhut Jolokia White is not what Pepper Lover has now.

I was hinting to others that buying seed from most bigger vendors online would not necessarily result in a plant that produces white pods. Best to just get PepperLover's strain from PepperLover or somebody known to have grown it from PepperLover's seed.

My suggestion to leave a pod on the plant until it hits the point of overripe is to ensure you have viable seed. I left pods on a different white variety for a long time to find the best seeds by appearance are now in a bag I labelled as being from a pod that partially dehydrated on the plant. If possible keep the plant out of the rain while waiting for one of the pods to get to that stage.
Ah I gotcha. I guess I should have said to just buy from Pepperlover then lol. And I will have to try that when I start getting pods for seed
OT: SFRB ???



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