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Bhut jolokia

Already a flower? Only 40 days after germination?

Sorry for the outfocus picture.


They revover from a light overwatering, what a recovery!
Plants look nice, but sad to say I do not think they are Bhut's...is there only one bud at that node? 
Leaf shape also looks to be annum
I agree, these are probably not bhut... :(
No matter the specie/hybrid, i will grow them and i will harvest the fruits. They will produce something hot for sure... I hope :)

Yes only one bud.. But i was pretty sure flowers came out from branchs, not from the central growing point of a seedling. To tell the truth, im not sure its truly a flower, its so little.

Its my first pepper plants, whats your opinion guys?
Yup its a bud :) The plant will grow bud(s) at every node. By "node" we generally mean anywhere where a branch forks or a new branch grows out of a stem/branch where a leaf was. It wont grow a fruit half way between branches for example, It will grow them at the intersections/ where branches split. Your plant is about to fork right there.
Really nice looking plants though, im sure they will provide lots of yummy fruit. Plus you know what your doing for when you get onto growing the real bhuts! :dance:  
Exact lol :)

Thanks a lot for your reply ! (Your and all others!)

I will keep posting pictures in the next months !

Edit: Its pretty sad when ebay sellers cheat 'pepper newbies' like me.
All we want is growing the species we paid for..
Guys, i have a problem with my pepper plants.

Each time i water my bhut, the top leaves curl(heavily) and the plants have a sad looking..

And its not overwatering, because i add only 60ml of water when the plants wilt a little bit.

Someone know what is the problem ?
Hey Maiden, a photo of the curl would help with a diagnosis.
What is the soil mix you're using?
Have you also been applying fertilizer?

IMG_20141210_153515 by dals009, on Flickr

I use miraclegrow potting soil.
They add some light fertz in it.


But since, my plants bounce back. I had only a watering problem. Cold water + too much water. Im mostly a carnivorous plants grower, and they are bogs and swamps plants so i have to water them all the time.

Pepper require extreme dryness so i only have to ajust :)

Here some of my 'false bhuts' in bloom:

Bloom by dals009, on Flickr

I will pollinate them n see what kind of peppers i will have !

Here all my little guys :) All plants from the same ebay source.

Hot pepper plants by dals009, on Flickr

Whatever the specie/hybrid, they seem to stay very short and bushy even in bloom. They are perfect for inside growing :)
Still too early to really tell.
That flower looks like it has pollen in there to me. Id stick my finger or a cotton bud in there to move the pollen around.