Bhuter's MAD BBM new pain level

My friend Adam(bhuter) has his first great cross. He crossed a very nasty hot chocolate madballz 7 and a big black mama. This is it. I can only judge by how bad it burns when deseeding. This thing burnt the hell out of my nose. I think Peter is going to do a review. Beware! Adam's got a real hot one here.


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Oh goodness, that thing looks violent!The scary thing is, I bet it's waaay hotter than it looks  :scared:
I hope Peter has his things in order  :think:
I suspect it will be the most excruciating pod he eats this year
THX for sharing Andrew!! I look forward to the review
I know super hots get a lot from the inner walls, but that placenta area is down right frighting.  I could see how cutting into it would burn up a nasal cavity or two.
96strat said:
My friend Adam(bhuter) has his first great cross. He crossed a very nasty hot chocolate madballz 7 and a big black mama. This is it. I can only judge by how bad it burns when deseeding. This thing burnt the hell out of my nose. I think Peter is going to do a review. Beware! Adam's got a real hot one here.
Thank you very much for posting this, Andrew and for all the nice things you said. What a great representation of that pepper! Nice photo! I'm sorry about the nostrils. Lol

hogleg said:
Oh goodness, that thing looks violent!The scary thing is, I bet it's waaay hotter than it looks  :scared:
I hope Peter has his things in order  :think:
I suspect it will be the most excruciating pod he eats this year
THX for sharing Andrew!! I look forward to the review
Thank you, Justin! Yeah, Peter agreed to do a review, and I think The Gentle Beast can handle it. :)

AJ Drew said:
I know super hots get a lot from the inner walls, but that placenta area is down right frighting.  I could see how cutting into it would burn up a nasal cavity or two.
Thanks, AJ! Yes, frightening is right...for me, anyway. I've only tried half a pod and that was the first pod to come off. These are a little bigger. But I think I'm gonna have one with lunch today. Lol

primal13 said:
Very nice looking pepper. I wonder how the flavor is with that cross.
Thanks, Primal! From what I remember, the flavor resembled BBM more than Madballz. I'm not great at describing flavors, but I'm sure Peter will give a great review.
