• If you need help identifying a pepper, disease, or plant issue, please post in Identification.

Bhuts and jelly

I've officially made the first buck from my Ghost Pepper Jelly.

My friend bought a few jars and within a few days, I've sold more and have more wanting to buy as well. So that's quite exciting.

So to support future jellies, pickles and hot sauces, I am already starting seed for 2014.

From these beginner plants, I'll take cuttings that should give me decent starter plants by the time March rolls around.

Good luck in 2014 everyone.
and another business is born!!!!   :clap:
@ sarge, usually sweet preserves with lots of pulp are jam, strained juices with minimal pulp are jellies.  Mikeinsc will have to say what they have going on,.  
It's a jelly. Or Jam. Since horticulturally speaking a pepper is a fruit and jam has tiny bits of fruit in it, then this would, by definition, be a jam.

However, Pepper Jam isn't in the common language whereas Pepper Jelly is.

Thank you SL. ;)
lol.. i give pepper jelly away for Xmas gifts every year.. I typically send  Peter pepper jelly to all my non pepper loving  relatives.. of course with the pepper pict on every jar..
and for the more the pepper lover i do the habanero peach or habanero pineapple jam.. its always a hit with bagels and cream cheese..
I have 4 jars going out monday morning..:)
I will be making a frame from some scrap walnut this week.

I hope the dozens and dozens of given away jars and 9 pretty solid flavor options just might start to pay off and help graise money for the pepper farm.