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smoking Big BBQ Weekend!

The Hot Pepper

Who's Que'in it up? Post pix!
nuthin special this year...just doing some dogs and burgers thats it...Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day!!!
Dave Reed and I will be cooking up something special. A chicken stuffed with various peppers and mushrooms (not the magical kind unfortunitly, besides, heat kills that) and fresh stuff from the garden. I'll try to get pics.
Forgive me for any misspellings during this message. It's 11:16 PM and I'm stoned and drunk off my arse. In a prelude to tomarrow's cooking festivities, I went down and picked up a chunk of meat at Mayfair (aka price gouge central). It came preloaded (just like myself) with spices.....that wasn't enough for me. So I took the minisquel amount of EZ Earl's stuff and poured it on to soak for an hour...

And then onto the grill it went (that is, after the cerimonial cooking of the sacraficial potatoes). I seared both sides and then proceeded to cook.

Boy did it turn out good!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unfortunitly, I didn't have enough of the sauce to make it spicey, but it did empart a bit of extra flavor that the meat needed.
I have to work. In fact, i'm sitting at the parts counter with one of my thumbs firmly inserted in my ass as i type this...
Well, the stuffed bird is cooking right now, and the home grown onion was just placed on the grill. Soon...the peppers and mushrooms will be thrown on!
The pics are in! And the food is in....my tummy!


Open wide and say "Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!"


Wow, grilling in the day....highly unusual for me.


Done and ready to be consumed. Before anyone freaks out, the hot dogs are for Dave's dog, Tigger....and even he was suspicous of that cooked "psudo-meat".
Damn I knew I should have taken pictures..... Sun. 25lbs of Steamers, couple dozen beef and chicken Kabobs and corn,yesterday two briskets, 8 Filets wrapped in bacon and crab cakes ...I better start carrying a camera with me....