Big Jim 2007 competition

hmm, I must put this bgi jim variety on my wishlist for next season (the search for seeds for next season is already started so, all help is kindly welcomed ;-) )
Same here. I'm probably out, unless my new seeds get going here soon. Those that didn't get eaten by a snail attack, got laid on by my dog who broke through the fence into my garden. Oh well, I am trying again here.
DaveinCoalinga said:
Same here. I'm probably out, unless my new seeds get going here soon. Those that didn't get eaten by a snail attack, got laid on by my dog who broke through the fence into my garden. Oh well, I am trying again here.

You know those small, cheap tomato cages that you can get at most big box stores? You know, the ones that are so small they're worthless for using with tomatoes?

They're perfect for protecting your pepper plants from that dreaded garden pest, _Canis lumbercus_, or the large footed, whomp-assed lab mix. No fence required.
its been a while so howzabout some update pictures of the big jim contest entries ?
I am not registered and its is a good Job because here is my magnificent big Jim :onfire:

I got off to a late start, so I'm still pinching off those first few buds. I'm sorta toying with a "fewer peppers, larger fruits" theory, but I think I'm going to start letting one do its own thang this weekend.
I've got dozens of peppers now on one plant and thats after picking off lots and lots of flowers and pods. They seem to be staying small so I'm going to pick more off soon.
I've got dozens of peppers now on one plant and thats after picking off lots and lots of flowers and pods. They seem to be staying small so I'm going to pick more off soon.

You're not giving me much encouragement here.
I just transplanted my Big Jim from Hydro to the garden.
In hydro the biggest one was about 15.5cm not bad considering it's under articial light (400W HPS).
The plant is very prolific. Almost all flowers grew into a pepper.
The last 2 months I've neglected my hydro project. No ph testing, no ppm testing , I haven't changed the water in 2 months I just add water and some fert and the plant just keept on growing.
Can't wait to see how it does in the garden.

I must say that the taste of the Big Jim is well... boring.
No heat, not much flesh. To me it tastes just like a regular red bell pepper.
But the plant is gorgeous, nice big green leaves and nice long red peppers.
I'm drying my pods in hopes of making powder.
habman said:
I just transplanted my Big Jim from Hydro to the garden.
In hydro the biggest one was about 15.5cm not bad considering it's under articial light (400W HPS).
The plant is very prolific. Almost all flowers grew into a pepper.
The last 2 months I've neglected my hydro project. No ph testing, no ppm testing , I haven't changed the water in 2 months I just add water and some fert and the plant just keept on growing.
Can't wait to see how it does in the garden.

I must say that the taste of the Big Jim is well... boring.
No heat, not much flesh. To me it tastes just like a regular red bell pepper.
But the plant is gorgeous, nice big green leaves and nice long red peppers.
I'm drying my pods in hopes of making powder.

Any pictures ?
imaguitargod said:
Great plant dude, biiiig!!!!!! But man, patowie, transplant that thing up to a larger pot already! Pour thing's probably root bound.

My BigJim plants definitely don't need bigger pots but Habman's sure looks like it does.
That's just to hold the plant.
I took it out of the hydro and put it in the pot to take pictures before I transplanted it in the garden.
I would never grow my peppers in sissy pots :onfire: