nutrients Biodegradable Pots You Make at Home, In Less Than a Minute

RocketMan said:
Wow awesome find RocketMan!! I happen to have a lathe and am going to spin a few up!! Can't believe I've never seen these before. Thanks!! :)
RocketMan said:
I saw those last week on Amazon for half the price. I'm ordering one.
oldsalty said:
Ill make up a few no charge!!!! :)

No Charge my friends! :)
Oldsalty, I want to turn knife handles.  Give me a clue, can I get away with a really cheap lathe or do I need to spend the money at a wood working shop?  I have done the mount the drill in a vice thing.  Tears up bearings real fast.  Thinking maybe the cheap lathes do the same thing.
ajdrew said:
Oldsalty, I want to turn knife handles.  Give me a clue, can I get away with a really cheap lathe or do I need to spend the money at a wood working shop?  I have done the mount the drill in a vice thing.  Tears up bearings real fast.  Thinking maybe the cheap lathes do the same thing.
MIght not have to deal with cheap, look on Craig's List and other such sites for people selling shop tools. Might find an estate sale where the estate owner was really into wood working but can't any more or passed on and no one else in the family does. Good hunting brother :)
i just use cans to form the newspaper, works fine. these are great especially if you keep the pots pushed together but a bit tedious to make more than 10.  I think im switching to soil blocks since i need so many pots. if your using paper pots remember to remove the paper before transplanting. the paper will degrade, but without tons of active decomposers in your soil which most gardens dont have (tilling, no mulch, pesticides of any nature) that paper will last a long time hampering the roots ability to spread.
ajdrew said:
Oldsalty, I want to turn knife handles.  Give me a clue, can I get away with a really cheap lathe or do I need to spend the money at a wood working shop?  I have done the mount the drill in a vice thing.  Tears up bearings real fast.  Thinking maybe the cheap lathes do the same thing.
No no need to spend big money unless you want to do serious work like chalice's or really large items.
I have a small lathe I use as well as an old shop model I got at an auction. It's finding a deal with the appropriate chucks and guide and starter cutting tools.
My buddy got his from harbor freight about 6 years ago I think he paid around 180 to 200 came with everything to get started. Works incredible. The most important thing is keeping your tools sharp!! I've blown out more glasses and bowls when I first started then I can count!! Hahaha
If your unsure just check around brother also check Craig's list for your area. Have seen a lot of nice lathes for cheap around here.
Ill look to see what I can find that you might like. :)
Streamer said:
Wow...I'd like to get in on one of these.  Don't mind paying for it either.
Hahaha no way!!!! I wouldn't charge members for something like that done in no time. Just need to get some free time to get them made up. As soon as I'm done will post for any members that would like one just pay shipping.
If I get 20+ orders that is if only a few members want them I got y'all covered. After all that's what this community is all about my friend!!
RocketMan said:
MIght not have to deal with cheap, look on Craig's List and other such sites for people selling shop tools. Might find an estate sale where the estate owner was really into wood working but can't any more or passed on and no one else in the family does. Good hunting brother :)
Hahaha oops beat me to the punch brother!!! :) So yeah as per RocketMan's recommendation!! :)
winland said:
I'd like one too.  Can't say as I would take one for free though.  I will pay postage and send you a bottle of hot sauce, how's that?