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Black Congo's and Dougla's going Troppo

Whilst my other types seem to have suffered from all this excessive rain with yellowing leaves and drooped buds/pods, the Congo's and Douglas have taken the advantage and made good. Pods are huge and numerous.

This is off one main branch hanging over the fence, and not all of them I might add.


Check out the size off the Douglah,


Heavy flooding rain, works for some breeds - not for others...go figure eh.
very nice looking pods my friend! Good work! My douglahs seem to be more sensitive to over watering then the rest of my super hots for some odd reason???
Nice pix. Thanks! The pods look scrumptious.
That Douglah is just friggin ridiculous. And a 7 foot tall Congo? How old is she? I don't know how you do it amazing job!
Worm farm run off or "worm juice" as they call it. That and a little seaweed fert and some composted manure pellets now and then. They are about 1 year old