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Black dots

Today on one of my peppers (one kind of c.annuum variety close to cayenne) I noticed black dots, none of my other peppers has this problem, they are all healthy and happy except this one :( What is it? Should I cut the leaves (5 leaves have these black dots on top and some on the bottom of the leaf)? Should I kill the plant?
Thanks! I know where they came from... My Mom recently got basil plant, which I today inspected and found a few thrips on that plant, plus 90% of the plant is destroyed (first time when I saw it, it was really healthy plant, amazing how these buggers destroy it). Cut leaves on my pepper, and threw away basil plant... I don't see any thrips on my peppers, but I'll give it a week to see if I really need to get some pesticide.
thrips aren't the worst pest out there as long as you monitor it, if you let them build out of control then you'll have problems, so yeah you're doing the right thing, keep an eye under the leaves for the babies, small yellow wormy looking things usually. 
I found amblyseius to work very well (see my thread on here somewhere) so consider that instead of pesticide if it comes to it
Oh and yes cut the badly affected leaves off - leaves that look like that almost certainly have eggs in them, so best removed. I did accidentally remove ALL the leaves off one plant and it recovered well, but not sure I'd do that again.