I recently found some black eggs on one of my plants. They reminded me of lady bugs eggs only black and they hatched what looks like tiny lady bugs, but I believed all ladybugs started out as larvae. Any help?
What is this other beetle u speak of? I have these lady bug beetles that are red, but no spots... Are these just lady bugs with no spots? Or the lady bug mimic?geeme said:There is a beetle that looks much like a ladybug but is not, and it is harmful to plants. One of the big differences is the "social" habit - about the only time you will find "swarms" of ladybugs is when the weather is cold and they huddle together. Otherwise, you might find a few ladybugs on a plant, but not masses of them. This other ladybug-mimic, however, is frequently found en masse on plants. Get rid of them.