Black Hungarian, Hungarian Black?

Hello everybody.

Just a few months ago I bought a lot of seeds. Just now the plants are big enough to start flowering.

One of the seeds were what I supposed to be "Black Hungarians". Then, suddenly I realized something: the flowers are white, not purple as they should be.

Reading the postal package again I realized that the seeds were from the variety "Hungarian Black" instead of "Black Hungarian". The seeds were bought from Semillas La Palma. Their 'different' varieties can be seen here and here (They call it "Black Hot Hungarian").

So, I am wondering, there exists these two different varieties? What is the difference then, the flowers and foliage? Or did I made a mistake and got something totally different from what I wanted?
Yes i thinks there's a difference
have a friend who grows them every year

not as sure about your question entirely as there is some difference between black Hungarian and black Czech ,from what i know one has purple flowers and the other white, but for the most part they are very similar in every other way, this is due to the fact that they share the same lineage or same genetic line , this is where some confusion can tend to occur, also the size of the fruit may also be the other factor, Black Czech are generally larger fruited.
im not too sure if there is a Hungarian black, as i have seen many times there are alot of "MARKETING NAMES" used just to sell something, give it a snappy name and it just may sell

and this just confuses things even further

im not sure i just helped of made things worse??

hope this helps some

thanks your friend joe
I've been looking on the internet about what you suggested, but what i've come with seems to point out that black Hungarian and black Czech are, in fact, the very same plant. At least, both plant flowers are reported as purple, so definitely they don't match my plant description.

BTW the plant leaves are just a little bit darker than regular annums. It just started to produce pods, so I will have to wait a little to check if its pods in fact become black or not.

Totally agree with the marketing stuff. Capsicum world is already complicated enough, why make it even harder :(
I got a plant that was labeled as black hungarian, I don't know if there's any difference between them and the czechs, but yeah, my flowers were purple and produced black pods that ripened red.
The "Hungarian Black" I've been growing, have the purple blossoms, with some purpleish stripes on the stems. The fruits are similar in size and shape to small jalapeno, and go from green to black, to a maroon when fully ripened. Taste is sweeter than Jalapeno, with heat a little milder than Jalapeno. They're tasty peppers, and a favorite for yard grazing while I water. :)
I grew Black Hungarian last year, which I purchased from Trade Winds Fruit. This year, I'm growing Czechoslovakian Black, which came from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange. I have been waiting until I had some pods on the plant so that I could make a comparison.

Here is Black Hungarian. Like Duane said, it looks like a Purple Jalapeno.


Now check this out. The Czechoslovakian Black is much more pointed on the ends, so I'm not so sure that these are one in the same. Now maybe the tip will round out as the pod gets bigger, but I don't remember the Black Hungarians ever being so pointy.


Black Hungarian was my favorite pepper last year, sweet with just enough heat for a pepper newbie such as myself. It will be a while before I have a ripe Czechoslovakian Black, but I'll try to remember to post a follow up once I taste one.
I only have one Black Hungarian growing this year, in years before I would eat them off the vine ripe all the time, awesome flavor and minimal heat.