DevilDuck said:Joe Q. Public sees that as some kind of fact when in reality it's just an estimate.
Man, that guy must be dumb...dumb but popular. Everyone talks about him.......
DevilDuck said:Joe Q. Public sees that as some kind of fact when in reality it's just an estimate.
DevilDuck said:To me, the SHU number is a game. Joe Q. Public sees that as some kind of fact when in reality it's just an estimate. SOME hot sauce makers use those numbers as a marketing tool. Just like beer companies use hot chicks on a beach with fat slobs. Makes the fat slobs think they can score a hot chick.
dreamtheatervt said:You'll eventally tire of the "numbers game", because you'll eventually come across some cheap extract that tastes like chemical waste (acetone, acetonitrile), and you'll appreciate the flavor more.