Black Naga Hybrid From
Black naga hybrid
 Is a strain John got from a grower in Michigan 3 years ago, the cross is unknown, they were originally regular black naga. The seed John  got produced red, chocolate and yellow. John has been growing out the chooclate for 3 years and isolating the seed.
Heat 10/10
Flavor 6/10
Good review!!!those came from a black naga you say,interesting to say the least.Nice pod and good job,as always.
Good review!!!those came from a black naga you say,interesting to say the least.Nice pod and good job,as always.
mpicante said:
Good review!!!those came from a black naga you say,interesting to say the least.Nice pod and good job,as always.
Good review!!!those came from a black naga you say,interesting to say the least.Nice pod and good job,as always.