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Black Pearl Question

I assure you this isn't a question like "is it a real ship?" or "is captain Jack Sparrow real?" but it is regarding the pepper plant. Anyway I have 3 Black pearls and two of the three are actually black and have been for quite sometime after moving them outside. However I have on that just seems to refuse to accept that its supposed to be black and once taken out from grow lights to the sun, is supposed to turn black.

It is now starting to flower and im wondering, could this be a cross polinated plant? I suppose the answer to this question will present itself when it starts to bare fruit? The thing that kind of stinks right now is that the two black ones have not flowered and the one that has flowered may be a cross pol. anyway.
yes, the entire garden is only about 8x8 and two of the black pearls (the green and one black one) are inches from each other.
crazy8 said:
yes, the entire garden is only about 8x8 and two of the black pearls (the green and one black one) are inches from each other.

I have 6 Black Pearls and all turn permanently to black when exposed few days on direct sun..
Well all three did start indoors only under 4-4' fluorescent bulbs. Still with that in mind two of the three turned black without being outdoors or even near the sun for that matter. The "green one" is also a little taller and the stems appear dark but still no black leaves.

I suppose it is possible that my source of this seed may have somehow gotten a seed from another plant in this bag, could be a cross, or it just doesn't want to be black (there might be an MJ joke in there somewhere). Well, all seriousness I guess I will just have to see what happens. Out of curiosity though, lets assume it is a pure Black Pearl, the flowers will still be black/purple right?
my black pearl had overwintering issues with green/black not being uniform. they just need more sunlight i suspect. I have 4 black pearls, 3 from cloning. Did you source each from different seeds or clones? Mine are having the same situation as far as uniform coloring so i can't say for sure. I gave out some black pearls to THPers. Haven't seen any of my offspring yet. I wonder if they crossed?
Well my black ones are little but look kind of cool. They are mostly black but some leaves are green towards the stock, I assume because its new growth. I did get my seeds from one bag and only got 3 seeds so this is a one shot deal. Hopefully I get good fruit and plants to carry on next season.
I had the same thing with my Black Pearls. One of them was much darker than another. So just don't let the wrong type spread :)
Well I hope that my smaller black ones will produce good fruit then. but with 3 seeds, 100% germination on those 3, and one possible "bad apple" I would say the odds are in my favor for good plants and fruits.
I believe this to be a true Black Pearl plant and have never seen one that looked different although I am not seeing the tight clusters of fruit on this plant as I have seen in previous years.


thepodpiper said:
I believe this to be a true Black Pearl plant and have never seen one that looked different although I am not seeing the tight clusters of fruit on this plant as I have seen in previous years.



Thats exactly like mine......
crazy8 said:
I assure you this isn't a question like "is it a real ship?" or "is captain Jack Sparrow real?" but it is regarding the pepper plant. Anyway I have 3 Black pearls and two of the three are actually black and have been for quite sometime after moving them outside. However I have on that just seems to refuse to accept that its supposed to be black and once taken out from grow lights to the sun, is supposed to turn black.

It is now starting to flower and im wondering, could this be a cross polinated plant? I suppose the answer to this question will present itself when it starts to bare fruit? The thing that kind of stinks right now is that the two black ones have not flowered and the one that has flowered may be a cross pol. anyway.

Does it have purple flowers? If it isn't black it's probably a cross or just wrong seed in your pack.

Here's a shot of mine.
Silver_Surfer , your black pearl pics motivated me to buy some seeds to grow as gifts :D . Between these and bolivian rainbows i should be pretty much set :) . Black Pearl certainly is a very good looking plant.
thepodpiper said:
I believe this to be a true Black Pearl plant and have never seen one that looked different although I am not seeing the tight clusters of fruit on this plant as I have seen in previous years.



Sure this is not a black prince? The pearls have clustered fruit. Is it over wintered? If not maybe you got a black prince seed by accident.
Ok so I got out the phone and took this pic. I think it should illustrate enough of what everything looks like. I do have another pic that shows the darkness of the stems on the green one if you all would like to see it (along with the flower that is blooming). These both (as far as I know) are Black Pearls. The one on the right is obviously green and is showing a purple tint right now on the flower pedals. I will have to keep a closer look on it. Now that I think of it there should be NO white at all on these flosers they should be solid purple huh? Well anyway here is the image


The other thing I find interesting is how my two black ones have not even showed signs of flowering soon and this green on is popping two right now and shows great growth over all. Also I don't know if it's because I forgot my meds today or not but does anyone else have a voice in their head saying "cross", "cross", "cross".