health Black Spots and Curling Leaves

I like this so far.  My wife and I have been vegetable gardening in western Washington for a few years. In September we bought a greenhouse.  My wife transplanted three pepper plants from our raised beds to pots in the greenhouse.  The ghost peeper plant never did well this year.  The Jalapeno and Thai chili's did great.
However, now a week after transplanting the leaves on the Thai and Jalapeno are curling.  Black spots are appearing on the leaves and on the Thai chili's,  A Jalapeno has brown splotches and a black mark.
We are heating the greenhouse so it never drops below 50 degrees.  It has been very humid here lately and the soil is still damp after days of no watering.  I did bump the heat up this morning to try and control the humidity.
We are three years experienced growing peppers outside and very new to greenhouses all together. It's a Solar Gem if that matters.
Any help on the spots and leaves would be appreciated.
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