Black Stinger seed to give away

Hi All,
I've got some Black Stinger seed to give away.
This is my first time doing one of those "send me a SABSE" jobs, but happy to provide half a dozen each to the first half a dozen people.
Send me a PM if interested - I'll throw in one or two other types where I can as well.
I know, it's probably not worth it for O/S members (given I am in Australia), but the offer is there nonetheless.
Man, my ex-boss is in Australia right now. I which I could get a hold of him and have him send you some money. He owes me. Big.
I just don't know how to do a SABSE from the States to you. Drat it all. I'll send him an e-mail and see if he's checking. I'll let you know what I hear.
Send me a PM with your address - you want the seeds, and I'm sure they want to be sowed. Pretty simple i would think ;)
Just looked at some pictures of those peppers and they look tasty! Very generous offer, tempting to bite but in states. Just wanted to say thanks for the offer and way to pay it forward.
Just going to throw a question out for any in the US who care to comment:
As far as sending seed *into* the US is concerned, will a letter with type of seed (e,g. Capsicum chinense, Habanero 'Black Stinger') and quantity help things get through ?
I dont think there would be any issues livings in the states and having seeds sent to you I've had seeds sent to me from Brazil it just took a while?
Orekoc said:
Verivus & AZ - Mason,  - if the seeds get here and there are enough, I'll share them with you both.
That would be great man! Either way, it's all good. If you're worried about not having enough I'm fine, but if you do I would love some. Thanks.