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Black tips

Hello everyone!! got a little problem... On some of my plants the tips of the leaves are turning black and falling off. They started as small black dots on the tips. Possible causes???
Pictures would definitely help..... :-) Could be many things or just not enough water.... or air is really dry....
Well added some liquid ferts to the soil and what happens? I come back from work to plants that are drooping all the way down..WTF now not only are the leaves cupping and the tips turning black and dieing, but they look like absolute shit now.. I am soooo lost.
Wpayton0034 said:
Well added some liquid ferts to the soil and what happens? I come back from work to plants that are drooping all the way down..WTF now not only are the leaves cupping and the tips turning black and dieing, but they look like absolute shit now.. I am soooo lost.

Once again pics would help.
I am thinking it may be calcium deficiency... How would i get more calcium in my soil

P.S. Sorry about no pictures. I don't have a working camera, and the only one I can get sucks major!!!
Just did a spraying of epsom for the magnesium and another spraying of some hydrated lime for the calcium...Got a little fan blowing on the leaves. Lets hope this gets rid of the necrosis!!!
I will be putting up pics later tonight guys because I am losing this battle :(

The necrosis is still slowly advancing after two foliar treatments of hydrated lime and several treatments of Epsom.

Pray to the plant gods for me!!!
Hydrated lime is caustic stuff and I wouldn't recommend using it; too easy to damage roots if too much is applied and I wouldn't imagine leaves would like it. Calcitic or dolomitic lime is much safer, although I've never used them as a foliar spray.

