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overwintering Blooming/Fruiting on Overwintered Plants?


I kept a few of my favorite plants that I still had in buckets from last season..

I got hobby space, so I was thinking I could at least get a head start on these plants for next season if I kept them alive. No pruning or cutting back was done.

They were stunted from the undesirable weather before I brought them inside (some leafage was killed, but I've since vegged them out), but I'm wondering if I can bring them back into production mode and keep producing fruit over the winter?

Temps are good (ambient inside temp), plenty of lights (got them on an 18-6 atm), give them food from time to time (once every couple weeks), and make sure they are appropriately watered.

I've just been vegging them out since I brought them inside, since they were hurt a little by the inclement weather, but can I bring them back to a production state while still inside during the overwinter?

Tips? I thought I might switch to a nutri-blooming type of fertilizer. Thoughts? Experience? Is this possible?
my overwinters are going nuts. i did the foliage cutback but left the rootzone alone and they are putin out tons of leaves and buds (mostly my fatalii). they have been in very low light until recently. a foliage cutback might encourage new branches/nodes to form and bud. i am not an indoors grower but have heard that a lot of light is needed for the pods to ripen.

best of luck, keep us posted on the progress.
Access to light is not the limiting factor at this point. They have as much as they want... actually I think I need to dial it im a little better for production in an indoor scenario. What is your light cycle? Fert schedule?

If you are not an indoors grower, how do you still have plants going outdoors in TN?

Also, I'm looking to add Fatali to my seed bank. Would you be willing to gift or trade some seeds?
i am just overwintering them and this is my first attempt at that. they get a dose of worm tea every other week. until recently they were in a south window with very restricted light due to trees outside (i'm surounded). they are now under a 4 buld t8 fixture in the basement i have set up to start seeds 18/6. when i said that i don't grow indoors i meant that i have not set or ripened fruit indoors. all my plants go outside in ground and pots when it warms up.

i have lots of seed from my fataliis (op), shoot me a pm.
2 of the 4 I over wintered are going crazy as well. The chocolate Bhut died right away after cut back and the 7 POT Brown is trying to recover but the 7 POT Jonah and Jay's Red Ghost Scorpion are both about to flower. My over winters are getting about 16 hours of indirect light from 4 48 inch T5s. I have brought Thai plants inside for years and had them produce an amazing yield.
I have 20 super hot in 5 gallons under a 1000w HPS going nuts... with no fruit set....it is really bumming me out... literally thousands of flowers and only one fruit going so far... I thinkit may be to cold in my garden. I am using a blooming fert and hand pollinating... fruiting in door continues to prove difficult for me.

- Mega
Mega: Would it be useful to hit them with a high dose of fans for some time each day to maybe encourage self-pollination?

Just an idea.. I am concerned about ability for the flowers to pollinate as well.
I have produced fruit inside on plants that only got sun through a west facing window. The plant was very leggy and I had to hand pollinate, but success rate was pretty good. If you have high PAR lights, fans, and all that you should be able to get plenty of sets.
Yeah.. happy to report some success.

I got a new automatic light timer for Christmas, and since applying an 18-6 light schedule to the plants (which were previously under 24-0 since I didn't have a timer), have now began to set blooms like Cr4zY!

They are still very immature, but I'm hoping for the best. I don't hand pollinate, but I do use a direct high-speed fan sporadically to encourage pollination, and also strengthen my smaller plants, so I'm hoping that will do the trick.

I haven't changed to bloom food either.. just been using the same old fert and I seem to be making progress.

Hooray! :onfire:

I guess it was all about the inappropriate light cycle.
good to hear they have turned around for you. i gotta find me one of those timers, mine crapped out this week. what kind did you get?

you can always give the plants a little shake to help with pollination too, but i think the fan should be enough.
i have two bhuts in hanging baskets in my dining room with a huge south-facing picture window. they both have rebound nicely. lots of foilage, some blooms. i'm just glad that didn't die off. now if i can keep the aphids from destroying them (azamax a couple times already). this was also my first attempt at overwintering, and i chose the hanging baskets for smaller plants and easier to deal with. especially with a cat and dog around.