• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Blorvak's Greenhorn 2014 - End of Season Wrap Up!

First off, Happy Holidays everyone! Now that I have a little time, I thought I'd start a glog.
The backstory:  My last season sucked. Straight up. 10 plants. Averaged 1 pod a plant.

Then I found this place.

THEN I had to wait months to put all the tips I found to work. Suffice to say, I'm rearing to get going!

Hope I don't mess it up!

Hey all! This is my rookie blog, and here is my growlist:

C. Chinense
  • Orange Habanero (Trade Wind Seeds)
  • Datil (Trade Wind Seeds)
  • Trinidad Cola Bean (cmpman1974)
  • Trinidad Gold Bean (cmpman1974)
  • Mako akokɔsrade (Pepper Lover)
  • Trinidad Scotch Bonnet, Brown (Pepper Lover)
  • Trinidad Scotch Bonnet, Red (Pepper Lover)
C. Baccatum
  • Aji Habanero (Trade Wind Seeds)
  • Aji Limon (Pepper Lover)
C. Pubescens

  • Yellow Rocoto (cmpman1974)
  • Manzana, yellow (Harvested from store bought pod)

 C. Annuum
  • Goat's Weed (Trade Wind Seeds)
  • Pequin (Pepper Lover)
  • Fish pepper (Trade Wind Seeds)
  • Joe E. Parker Pepper (Trade Wind Seeds)
  • Tunisian Baklouti Pepper (Trade Wind Seeds)
  • Hungarian Hot Cherry (Pepper Lover)
  • Cracked Jalapeno (Pepper Lover)
  • Sucette de Provence (Trade Wind Seeds)
I have only a handful of posts, and already people have been more than generous. THP is a friendly place!

Nick08* said:
What type's of 'maters you growing this year?
Up to the whims of my father, but based on performance/taste last year, I'm requesting Black Krim, Brandywine, Big Beef, Sungold, and Sweetie. Oh, and a family heirloom he smuggled back from Italy that goes by the generic 'Inverno' name. That tomato is insane. Crazy prolific. I just planted some in a corner the first year I grew it and let it sprawl. It created this dense mat of green that provided many a pint of sauce.
PaulG said:
Hey, John, you have been busy, my friend!  The raised beds will be killer
this summer; lucky pepper plants!  Sounds like you are trying all the right
things with your starts.  My only advice would be not to love them to death.  
I have some plants that are going through the 'yellow flu', but almost all of
them seem to pull themselves out of it if I don't get too wonky trying to fix
them.  Don't over fertilize - what kind of soil mix are you using?  Has using
the heat mat helped any?
Hey, thanks! I may be guilty of spoiling them a bit. Time to let them head off on their own!
The heat mat is helping a little, I think. Air temps might be the problem. I'm hesitant to put a space heater down there, because it's a rickety wooden built-in. Don't want to burn down the house. It's about 55 with the lights off.
For soil, I'm using Light Warrior, which I believe has nothing really in it. For the guys I started on New Years, I've fed them a dilute fish solution twice. Somewhere between 1/4th and 1/5th strength.
They seem to be looking a bit greener, in general. Too soon to tell if the ones I brought upstairs are responding to their new environment.
55˚F at night should be no problem for the peppers.  My greenhouse is
running 50-53˚F at night.  We'll have days this summer with lows in the
high 40's at night, and they handle that all right.
Is the Light Warrior a seed starting mix?  If there are no nutrients in it,
it might be good to transplant into some kind of potting mix that has
the micronutrients the pepper plants need.  If your plants have been
in it for 60 days, they probably need a little food, so you might even try
a 1/3 or 1/2 strength fish emulsion the next time you fertilize.  It's good
to hear that the impression is general greening, so you are probably
on the right track.
Have a good weekend, John!
PaulG said:
55˚F at night should be no problem for the peppers.  My greenhouse is
running 50-53˚F at night.  We'll have days this summer with lows in the
high 40's at night, and they handle that all right.
Is the Light Warrior a seed starting mix?  If there are no nutrients in it,
it might be good to transplant into some kind of potting mix that has
the micronutrients the pepper plants need.  If your plants have been
in it for 60 days, they probably need a little food, so you might even try
a 1/3 or 1/2 strength fish emulsion the next time you fertilize.  It's good
to hear that the impression is general greening, so you are probably
on the right track.
Have a good weekend, John!
Hope you're having a good weekend too, Paul! And that you didn't get hit by the ice, like we did.
Thanks for the info on the temps! That eliminates one variable to keep track of, for the time being.
Light Warrior is a seed starting mix, and checking around on their website, they say to start feeding plants 5 days in. My fear of burning my seedlings may very well have left them hungry.  I watered everyone (1st and 2nd rounds) today with 1/3rd strength fish juice, as the soil was crusty enough that I couldn't dig down far enough to feel any moisture.
I also had two 7 Pot Yellows, and one Jalapeno young'uns to pot up. In the spirit of experimentation, (and because it cost $1 with coupon), I used this:

The Mykos I picked up because it was cheap as well. Curious to see how this compares to the Light Warrior, which is not giving me the results I want. Also curious to see if it burns the seedlings. Science!
And while I was shopping, might as well get something to check on the Light Warrior:

Wish me luck!
Looks like you are good to go, John!  Your plants should like the MG a lot.  
Stc3248 reports having very good luck with it in the past.  It shouldn't hurt
the seedlings a bit, and it has ferts built in so you don't have to worry so
much about fertilizing,  You can supplement with Cal-Mag and Seaweed
extract to feed pepper plants particular needs if you want.
Edit:  Seedling mix is really only for getting seedlings going.  They should be
moved into a potting mix soon or be put on a feeding schedule.
We've been escaping the super cold temps here - lowest was 28 and 29
on the 22nd and 23rd, but since Jan 10th when the last really cold spell
ended we've only had two or three freezing nights.
Good luck with your pepper/soil experiment!
PaulG said:
Edit:  Seedling mix is really only for getting seedlings going.  They should be
moved into a potting mix soon or be put on a feeding schedule.
Yep, what's a rookie blog without rookie mistakes? These guys are now on a weekly feeding schedule, and here's to hoping they've just been slowed down instead of permanently damaged.On the bright side, I won't to need to do much topping :P 
So if any other rookies are reading, heed this cautionary tale!
Already started to feed the second round seedlings in Light Warrior, so I'll have a chance to see what I missed the first time around.
Quick update. Definitely some green returning to leaves. I think feeding is the ticket. A full meal is on the schedule for Sunday. Hopefully, they can bounce back.
Mixed up some kelp solution today, and gave everyone a quick misting. Accidentally double strength. :oops:  But considering it's rated 0-0-1, I think it shouldn't be too bad a faux pas. But man, I gotta get my head in the game! Get with it, Blorvak!
Okay, time for a two month Status Report!

First round - 12/28 (Chinense, Pubescens, Baccatuum):
Not my finest hour. Now that I've started feeding them fish juice, green is returning to leaves, but no jump in growth. Gave up the diluted feeding, now they're getting "indoor plant" meals. My two best looking varieties are Orange Habanero, and Mako akokɔsrade.

It's a good think I over-started plants, because I think the stress of me using a neutral medium with not enough nutes will end up with several dying.

Round Two - 2/2 (annuum):
Doing better than the first round by a long shot. Still, could be bigger, but at least not yellow.

Round Three - 2/17:
Planted two Yellow 7 pots in Miracle Grow to see how it compares with the Light Warrior. One is already as big as the smallest of my first round.

Round Four - 3/6:
Down to 2 baccatuums from the first round, and they're yellow enough to worry me. Put a bunch of Aji Habanero, and Aji Limon seeds in paper towels as insurance.

FoxFarms Light Warrior is not the product for me. Find it impossible to get the water dialed in, and because it needs constant feeding, it's hard to get nutes to the little guys without overwatering. Next year go with the Miracle Grow Moisture Retention potting soil that was 1/3rd as expensive.
Goat's Weed, 35 days:

And a baby okra, my only non-pepper start I have right now:

Now I'm off to change all my clocks!
Alright, a result is in, and a decision is made!
Soil Comparison Test!  Red Scotch Bonnet on the left, 68 days old. 7 Pot Yellow on the right, 10 days old:

That's enough science for me! It's re-potting day!

Repotted more than half of my starts before running out of Miracle Grow Moisture Control soil. Will they turn around? Only one (long) way to find out! Stay tuned!
So, a bunch of family and friends dropped by today to help me out moving dirt. Unexpected, and totally made up for the crap week I had. Positive vibes for everyone!
2 cubic yards of blended soil was exactly enough for my 5 new raised beds!
Main Garden:

And I slid another one in to the left of the compost:

Getting ready to go this year! Still a long way off for planting, but it's okay. My plants are small! Plus, I just sowed some Alma Paprika, and the 3rd round Ajis I had in paper towels.
Have a great weekend, pepper fiends!
Yes! The results of my repotting have been dramatic and quick! Plants are actually growing!
It's been 5 days since I repotted a bunch of my starts in Miracle Grow Moisture Control soil. Everything looked better across the board! I bought a big bag today and finished the project.
Here's a Trinidad Cola Bean, 70 days old. You can see the green returning to the leaves:

And now I have some guys that looks like plants!
Yellow 7 Pot, 15 days old:

Goat's Weed, 36 days old:

Cracked Jalapeno, 36 days old:

One of the goals of this glog is to iron out my process, and I'm learning tons this year. Hope to have my strategy down for next year.
So, the soil switch is officially a success! Everyone's looking better. Even my sole chocolate bonnet that had three leaves, dropped one, and never grew bigger than an inch across. Will post pics this weekend!
In the meantime, we got some sun! I was able to inspect my overwinter crops.
First up, looks like the garlic made out decent. Planted in Oct:

Next, shallots and elephant garlic, planted in Oct as well:

Happy almost Friday everyone!
Glad you got the soil sorted, you're right that we were in the same boat on that front. That comparison pic really hits home. Crazy what a difference it makes. 
Everything's looking great!
AaronRiot said:
Glad you got the soil sorted, you're right that we were in the same boat on that front. That comparison pic really hits home. Crazy what a difference it makes. 
Everything's looking great!
Thanks! Hoping I get a pod or two this year. We shall see!
Just snapped a pic of that Trinidad Cola Bean a week later. Looking so much better! Placed beside the earlier shot for easy comparison:

So next year, using Miracle Grow Moisture Control soil for sure!
Here's my sole Pequin I got to germ out of 5. It had two sets of leaves for 2 months, and now it's sprouting all over:

The Aji Habanero is pumping out yellow leaves, but it's pumping them out, so I'm happy with that!

And a group shot:

My guys are a bit slow on the uptake, but it saves me pruning them. More than 3 weeks until plant out, so they've got time to catch up.
Happy spring everyone!
HabaneroHead said:
I'm sorry to see your yellowing issues, but it is good that they are now recovering. Good luck with your season!
Thanks Balázs! I need all the luck I can get! I've been following your grow, and I gotta say it's looking good!
Today I managed to somehow wedge one last solo cup, an Alma Paprika, into the grow room. It doesn't exactly fit, but it didn't cause any disasters either. Good enough!
Might have to start bringing some of the big boys up for some "sun" to make room for my eggplants and okra. But I also hate to move 'em now that they're doing so well. Decisions, decisions... :P
I have a satellite grow area set up in the kitchen designated for overflow. The plants in the window are noticeably less green, and grow slower. Going to start rotating plants from under the T5's, so everyone gets a turn under the lights. The sun is still a bit scarce here in the NW.
First candidate, my Aji Habanero (83 days). Still yellow but so are all my Baccatuum. Maybe some natural light is in order?:

The Tunisian Baklouti (45 days old) has developed a list, but is happy:

The Purple Cayenne (43 days old) was droopy as well, and got a stake. Yes, next year, a fan is a must.

And this Orange Habanero (83 days old) has some crazy supplemental growth going on. I approve!

Most everyone is finally kicking their growth stage into gear, even the guys I wrote off as goners. I credit the soil change, and gradually warming temps.
It's almost Friday! Finally!
Another week gone by? Time for some Sunday portraits!
First up is a tale of three Goat's Weeds (56 days old). One is having problems applying itself:

Next, we have a Fish Pepper (55 days), showing a bit of variegation: 

CGN21500 (80 days old) is looking confident:

And the Pequin (78 days) is really coming into it's own. Tiny plant no more!:

Finally, a 7 Pot Yellow (29 days old). It's betting on big leaves, and putting many of the first round peppers to shame:

That's all for now! Thanks for looking!
Another boring Wednesday, at work (today, at home), and waiting for spring to properly arrive. Some amendments arrived at my door instead. I'll take it!:

Getting a bit of filtered sunlight today in Overflow Area #1. These guys outgrew their home downstairs:

And Overflow Area #2 has a little cool white LED action to help out with the filtered sunlight:

And my okra seems to be liking it's new digs in the grow pouch. Hope I get some this year!
Mixing up some potting soil this weekend for my 7gal root pouches, using a recipe I've seen floating around various glogs this year. Gonna go head to head with some store bought. And plant some lettuce, and other leafy things. Have some mustard greens, mibuna, and radishes sprouting in raised beds already.
All for now! Back to work!
Crazy weekend. Meant to get some portraits up on Sunday, but ran out of time. Which worked out okay, because it was the nicest day of the year so far, and I had the day off!
Brought a few plants out for some glamor shots in the sun.
Cracked Jalapeno, 58 days. Tiny flowers!

Tunisian Baklouti, 56 days:

Aji Habanero, 95 days. All of these guys start out yellow for me. I think it's happy, because it's still growing:

Yellow 7 Pot, 37 days. My 3rd round methodology is paying off. Going to go with it next year:

Trinidad Bean, Cola, 93 days. Everybody seems to grow flat and squat under the t5's, and then start gaining height once I bring them upstairs for some sun:

Case in point: here's my other Yellow 7 pot that's been upstairs for a week later:

Other notes:  when the plants get bigger, they get thirsty. So busy Sunday, didn't water, and my sole datil was looking pretty crunchy. Was worried, but it bounced back after some water. I'll be checking every day now :P
Also, planted potatoes, and kale today. Hope your Monday was sunny!