color Blue colored Chili

Dear friends and beloved ones! :surprised:

a few nights ago i had this dream where i observed a blue colored chili pod in front of my dream eyes. the blue was intense and i can recall i was very very obsessed by it. Well, you may ask your self why i narrate you this dream because dreams are just dreams (as many people may think). :party:

my question is this....i want to hear your opinion wether we´ll get a blue chili on this planet one day or not. i dont want to talk about genetical engineering (which is crazy enough IMO), i just would like to know if crossing/hybridization will present us a blue chili soon.

we have obtained mostly all colors (red, green, peach, orange...) so i am very curious about the blue color as well. :onfire:

Dude I have blue chillies called filius blue all over the place---hot little buggers and I have so many hot peppers I am not picking them---you want them send me $10 paypal.
filius looks more purple then blue to me.
could choke a peter pepper and see if that turns blue

(there are other threads about this already)
I assume you're talking about bright blue colored, that is not really a color that occurs in foods in nature. Its actually said to be an appetizer suppressant because of the fact that you don't see blue foods naturally. The bluest that you'll see something will have more like a purple color perhaps with more of a bluish tint to it (think blueberries, or blue corn). I highly doubt we'll ever see a cobalt blue pepper.

You mean something looking like the pic below. (got this off the www.)

They have Blue Tomato Plants over there for sell on the E Channel. Not see why not possible be done with a pepper. Though I doubt there is a demand for them.

I tried the black tomatoes they have out now and they turned more of a dark purple. Read these Blue Tomatoes will get purple and/or black as well.

Where Can I buy those peppers????????

You mean something looking like the pic below. (got this off the www.)

They have Blue Tomato Plants over there for sell on the E Channel. Not see why not possible be done with a pepper. Though I doubt there is a demand for them.

I tried the black tomatoes they have out now and they turned more of a dark purple. Read these Blue Tomatoes will get purple and/or black as well.

I think thats photoshopped with masks to change the color.

The blue tomatoes aren't really bright blue either they're a dark indigo/purpley color like the blueberries and blue corn etc.
I found a blue/purple metalic lookiing pepper at the 99cent store a couple years ago.

They looked less purple than the picture shows.
They were bluer but started turning purple than black within an hour after I brought it home.

BUT as soon as I put the plant in the sun the pod turned black.
I guess that goat weed type pods that are left in the dark shipping crate too long go from green to blue.
Actually the pods might have formed in the shipping box.See white instead of green...
After the pod turned black it still had a blue sheen to it in the sun where other goat weed types have a brown sheen to them.
thx friends for your (funny) inputs.

my question is still valid. the idea of this topic is that all the chili colours we know nowadays emerged by time of evolutionary (and of course by mankind as well) crossing/hybridisation. so maybe nature will give us one day a cobalt blue chili who knows.... ;)

i am more than optimistic :dance: