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Blue Mystery Pepper ( pepperlover )

Hi guys,

this season I am growing a pepper named Blue Mystery and I got it from pepperlover.com.
Has anyone planted this pepper before?
Today when I placed it at the window I smelled a familiar smell, so I smelled the plant. The leaves smell like a mixture of Habanero and Peppermint. It´s incredible!
If it stays that way and the leaves are non toxic then maybe I can use them to flavor tea or water ;) Hahaha...


Posted the pics in my first post!

Hm, I have never grown Roccotos before, but the " hairy " look is a bit like a Roccoto
Most capscium leaves are edible if they are not sprayed with anything, they are slightly bitter.
My Eximium and Cardenasii which are relitives to the rocoto and will cross with it has a nice order to the leaves.
Can't say what your plants are I would need to see a green and ripe pod to get a idea what it might be.
You can see a description and some pics here:

What do they taste like?

The taste is slightly bitter, sharp with an immediate heat that matches the descriptions I've seen of other wild varietals such as pequin and chiltelpins. I haven't tasted other wilds. I found them to be tricky to process because the small pods have lots of seeds for their size. I saved seeds for this year and got 3 to germinate. These took from 2 to 5 weeks to pop.

The plant pictured below was about 90 days old when photographed. This was late July which is mid-season for us here in North Carolina. It grew quite a bit larger especially in width, eventually succumbing to frost in late October. Over 1,000 pods by the end of season. I found it to be quite a conversation piece. I believe it is a C. praetermissum ( although Judy thinks otherwise :-) ) based on matching flower pictures online.




C praetermissum flower courtesy of Mats Petterssen:

wildseed57 said:
Most capscium leaves are edible if they are not sprayed with anything, they are slightly bitter.
If they're anything like the mint leaves Dismember compares the smell to, they will only be bitter if broken. Slapping them hard against the back of your hand will release the oils for use in teas and such without the bitter chlorophyll.
Keep me posted on how the drink turns out if you try it.
EDIT: I'm sorry, I followed a link and was too tired to check the timestamp, it will not happen again.
First and foremost let me say that I don't know a lot of things and what I about to say is a BIGGIE I don't know. BUT, i'd be cautious eating or brewing the leaves. Just like tomatoes are eatable, the leaves and stems are toxic. Not sure if it's the same with peppers but I know I wouldn't want to be front page fodder in the Sunday paperĀ as the idiot that croaked from ingesting pepper leaves. Just a thought. Cheerz !!
Speaking of Blue Mystery.Ā  I need seeds, people!Ā  I posted in Forum Ads that I would like this pepper.Ā  Long story short, I gave away my Blue Mystery seed pack from Judy before I knew what I had.Ā 
Anyway, penny for the poor?Ā  I have a long list of seeds that I am willing to trade to get this seed back. Lemme know by PM. Ā 
thanks in advance!
Hey Jim, PM me I have plenty of seeds for you, Judy's Blue mystery is one of my favorites that I'm now growing every year. I would be more than happy to seen you some.
George W.