event Blue's music and hot sauce festival

Oxford, NC. September 8, 2007
Local news and media along with Stovalls Gifts are sponsoring their first annual Blue's and hot sauce festival. Lots of music, food, gifts and a hot sauce competition with 8 sauce companies. $500.00 first prize and a people's choice award. Come on out. Located 40 miles north of Raleigh, NC. Contact Stovalls Gifts for more information. 866-693-1217. See ya there.
chiliman said:
Hey Blue is this for us ameteurs or just you fancy professionals?

Fancy.....yea right....

Not really sure. Just was asked to participate. I know that a lot of sauce folks, some big and some small like me were asked to come, not sure who will be there. Give em a call. It's gonna be a lot of fun.