• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Bob_B 2014 Grow

Well, I decided to do a glog to share with you and to help me keep up with what I do and when....
Today, I planted up some annuums I started in their germination tray on January 18.  Nothing exotic here - just stuff I've always liked.  Serranos, Cayennes, and Big Jims were potted up today in the pots they'll stay in this season.  I only wanted two of each so I potted some up in small pots I will give away (probably to my brother).
I also re-potted some overwinters - Grenada Hot, Datil, and Caribbean Red.  The Grenada Hot and Datil are both several years old.
Grenada Hot


Caribbean Red

I also re-potted a Besler's Cherry that's been producing even in the off season.  This is an interesting pepper because it is named after Basil Besler who engraved and hand painted this and several other plants that was published in 1613.  What's really interesting to me is that some of my original pepper's offspring are actually yellow.  At first, I thought this was a cross pollination of the original Besler's Cherry with a Datil.  Now, I think it is simply a sub-variety of the Besler's cherry.  Anyway, here's a photo of a ripe pod taken today.  Check out the Basil Besler images on the internet.

Another grow project this year is starting several Pubescens seeds that were given to me by Aussie whom I thank very much.  I have successfully germinated Rocoto Peron, Brown Rocoto, Canario, Orange Manzano, Red Manzano, and Locato.  They were started on February 6.  I vowed a few years ago to give up on Pubescens but after seeing his photos, I was driven to give it another go.  I am spending quite some time looking around for good partial sun areas and plenty of space.  It's going to be fun!
Here they are hardening off.

And here's a close up of the Canario.  Macro's are so cool.

Thanks for dropping by.........
Hey Bob, nice to see that your rocotos/manzanos have popped. Good luck with the grow, will be watching!
Thanks Aussie - At least one of each of the seeds you sent me germinated.  The Locoto is the slowest.  The Canario and the Rocoto Peron are growing the fastest.  They all stayed out last night.  In another week, I will pot them up and leave them out for the rest of the season.
It will probably be a two season project but we shall see.
Well, it's been very nice weather here!  Since the long range forecast doesn't look too bad, I've been potting up and planting seeds in the garden.  Fruit trees are also doing well.  I was a little worried with the Tangelo tree but it's doing quite well.  It will be flowering shortly.  The Loquat tree will be having a bumper crop of fruit this year.  It's amazing to me that most people leave the Loquat fruit for the birds and squirrels - but they make a fabulous jelly.
I planted two rows of Clemson okra, one row of Cherokee Wax bush beans, and one row of scallions.  Also, four hills of crookneck yellow squash.
Summer girl and Napa Grape tomato seedlings are coming along nicely and I should be able to pot up 1st week in April.  Same goes for the Diablito, Biker Billy, Habanero, Hot Lemon, and Sweet Banana pepper seedlings.
Loquat popping.

Tangelo budding

Serrano and Cayenne peppers potted up

Canario and Rocoto Peron potted up

Orange Manzano, Red Manzano, Locoto, and brown Rocoto still hardening off.
Now that the deluge is over, I decided to update my growing status.  Some of the plants took a beating, but I think everything will be ok.
Here's a Grenada Hot that seeded under the mother plant.  I like Grenada Hots - similar in heat and taste to the Caribbean Red.

Here's a Datil - it's about 5 years old.

Here are my Anaheims I grew from seed:  I love Anaheim-type peppers - so good to stuff.

Here's a cherry pepper - I love to eat these.

Here's my backyard garden:

Canario Yellow Manzano ( thanks Aussie!):

Loquat ready for harvest:

Thanks for dropping by!