• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Bob's 2019/2020 season GLOG - Thunder Downunder

I had a great season last summer. Plants all over the place. I think I had about 28 varieties and 60 or so plants.
All of them were great producers after I got the fruit fly under control. I didn't get any fruit fly the previous year so they took me by surprise and devastated my plants early in the season. I was ready to give up at one point.
Some of them are even still giving me fresh pods now in the middle of our winter. Amazing considering we are regularly getting temps down to 0°c overnight.
This year I am cutting it back a few notches, and will be better prepared for the ff.
I am going to rip out all the plants from last season and grow all new varieties this time (except the ones that are in the ground, if they overwinter then they can stay).
So I have set myself a goal of 10 varieties. One of each, maybe two of some. All grown in pots. All grown under fruit fly netting.
This years grow list
Ghost Bhut Jolokia
Yellow Reaper
Thor's Thunderbolt
Bonda Mahala
Pink Tiger
Ma Wartryx
Bad Brains
Peach Bhut Jolokia
Tonight I planted the first seeds in the grow tent.
A month later than last year, but I had a few trips away planned which would have left them unattended and I doubt they would have survived.
 I haven't planted all of them yet because I didn't have enough jiffy pods to start them, but the rest won't be long.
Starting off with 5 seeds of each to see how that goes.
Fingers crossed.
Yellow Reaper
Yellow Reaper.jpg

Thor's Thunderbolt, looking black as sin
Thor's Thunderbolt.jpg

Pink Tiger, also black
Pink Tiger.jpg

Peach Bhut
Peach Bhut.jpg

And the mutant Peach Bhut

The mystery grow is still hanging in there, just. If anything it has gotten a little smaller, but has sort of changed to a greenish color.
Hey Bob.  Good to see things coming along!  Curious what kind of lighting you're using.  Seeing lots of anthocyanin in the leaves so thinking it must be pretty bright in there!
Also, it looks like the mutant peach bhut is making a resurgence and starting to put out some good new growth from the center.
Hi CD,
Lol, I had to look up what anthocyanin was. 
I am using the same LED lighting that I used last year, 2 x cheapie ebay ufos and a Viparspectra grow light set on veg. 18/6. There wasn't any of the darker leaves last year so I am not sure what the difference is this time. The lights are as high as they can be in the tent.
It is not on all of the plants, and as I haven't grown any of these types before I just put it down to some being more sensitive than others.
Other than the dark pigment they all seem to be in great health. I wasn't too concerned but do you think it should be something to worry about?
The mutant peach is certainly doing something, not sure what yet though.
I wouldn't be too concerned with darkness unless there were other symptoms suggesting over exposure or poor performance.  I can see that your Aleppo and Lombok in particular had some very dark streaks early on, but already the newer growth seems to be adjusting. I see that a lot where the cotyledons or early leaves color up then the newer growth will adjust and revert to a normal green.
Man, your pink tiger and thor's seem to love it and are really looking great.  I'm a big fan of darker foliage peppers and I bet those guys are even more impressive in person.  
Yes, they seem to love it.
The Thor's Thunderbolt is amazing.
I got the seeds from a trusted seed seller downunder, and they state that it is only f3 so the pods could turn into anything when they happen.
But I love how black they have turned out.
Good to see progress being made, bob.
Gotta love the purple foliage varieties! Good
luck heading into the Spring/Summer season.
Looking good Bob! Dark foliage is awesome. I have a similar light, I wouldnt be too worried about the anthocyanin, they seem to deal better with it the bigger the plants get/longer they are exposed.
I think Im probably a week or so behind you in growth, but the weather looks good here now so mine will be going outside tomorrow (all hydro though).
Thanks. They are doing well.
I had a look at my last years glog and I had all my plants outside by this time of the year. 
I figure I should start to harden them off and get them out there.
The mutant Peach Bhut is pretty much just looking like any other plant now, just a little bit smaller due to the slow start it had.
Out in the natural light.

Plus some Kashmiri have sprouted

And the mystery plant is looking good, going to pot it up today sometime.
Good work, Bob!  Now just stand back and
get out of the way while they take off with some
nice, summer weather.!
Have been away for a week (sausage camp). my mother came around and watered the garden while I was gone.
She has done a great job because they all must be at least double the size from when I left.

Plus at least these two are podding up already


Won't be long before I need to put them in bigger pots.
Will have to at least get them under the fruit fly net before anything gets to them.
Plants are looking nice and healthy bob. Looks like you'll have to start using your forest management skills before long.
Now that you went to sausage camp, how's it hanging?
Sorry, couldn't resist. Do I want to ask what sausage camp is?
Today I started to repot my plants into larger pots and move them into the fruit fly net.
Last season in the net

Started by clearing it all out. Clean slate this year with all new varieties.

Well, it is a start. It is beer o'clock. At least most of them are in there now.

The air quality in Sydney is bad at the moment. Took this photo at 6.00pm of the sun. Still daylight and not overcast.
The haze is from the fires burning around the place.
Didn't really like that last photo, Bob. My heart goes
out to everyone affected by those fires. What kind of
forest is burning, I mean what kinds of trees? If it's
eucalyptus, that could be a real mess.
On a positive note, the plants look great in the tent.
that will be an 'indoor' jungle before long. Hope your
summer grow season is a success!