• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Bob's DeSoto Parish Grow 2013

Back in the spring I gave one of my coworkers a few Chupetinha seedlings, and later on a few other young plants, including Cumari do Para (capsidadburn), Kitchen Pepper Peach (datil), and a Yellow 7 (Hippy). He carried them to his hunting camp, potted them up in MG Potting Mix, and has done nothing except give them rain water. Here are some pix from a few minutes ago:

This is apparently a cross between something and Chupetinha. When this plant was a seedling it was so pitiful that I had given it up for dead and thrown it under some empty containers in the garage. A few days later it had perked back up, so I gave it to Bob to care for:

Another apparently crossed or mutated Chupetinha, setting erect pods:

Chupetinha. The wonders of rain water:

Kitchen Pepper Peach, C. annuum from THP member datil in Italy. This pepper loves Louisiana, and we love it!
wow... those are strong genetics!!!! Noiiice!  5 dancing peppers!
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

However... I am slightly skeptical about them only being fed the nutrients which came in the miracle grow potting soil!?!?!?!?!
Those plants are nice and dense, loaded up with pods. I didn't grow the KitchenPepper this yr, but they do make nice little stuffers.
Noah Yates said:
wow... those are strong genetics!!!! Noiiice!  5 dancing peppers!
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

However... I am slightly skeptical about them only being fed the nutrients which came in the miracle grow potting soil!?!?!?!?!
Thanks Noah....I'm skeptical, too, but I have no other choice than to take Bob at his word....:cool: Whatever he's doing to his plants, they look a whole lot better than my container plants, growing only a couple miles up the road from here. I'm going to set me up either a cistern like Bob has, or run a plastic line down the hill to Mundy Bayou...
PIC 1 said:
Those plants are nice and dense, loaded up with pods. I didn't grow the KitchenPepper this yr, but they do make nice little stuffers.
Thanks Greg...The Kitchen Pepper has gotten rave reviews from all with whom I have shared them. As you know, the first bite is a little rattling because you're expecting a chinense taste, as they look like little Bonnets or Habs...
Thanks guys...I'm about to give up and just let Bob grow the chiles from now on...He's a card-carrying Cajun, from Port Barre, Louisiana, and was growing Tabasco and Cayenne for decades before I ever even bought my first Jiffy Tray...Mad country boy growing skillz fer sure...Here's an overview shot from this morning:


This is apparently a cross between Chupetinha and Caribbean Red Habanero. Tasty:

One of my Hippy Y7s was late out of the germ room...My beds were full up, so I gave it to Bob...We'll see what a Cajun Y7 tastes like in a few weeks:
Noah Yates said:
:shocked: I call bullshit on his "no ferts" claim... :liar:

Not only are those, in fact, getting ferts... they are getting premium ferts ;)
I don't think anyone said no ferts. Just no added ferts. The MG potting mix has plenty in it for months.
windchicken said:
 He carried them to his hunting camp, potted them up in MG Potting Mix, and has done nothing except give them rain water.
Bullshit has to be composted.... expertly ;)
..... and MG potting mix does not yield like that.... 
His plants look like mine ( excpet his are flushing even heavier yields of peppers) and I have been ferting like crazy.... this year I decided to go HAM on the ferts.
Im not saying its impossible... proper pH can go a long way... and the inverse log of the hydronium ion concentration is supposed to be stabilized in MG soil.... so thats a big factor. :P
Amazing Gary, Bob!
Keep it simple methods always work good with peppers but Bob has killer grower skills for sure!
My KPP seeds have come a long way! :P
Thanks Fabrizio! I'll pass your comment about Bob's growing skills on to him...
As you may have noticed in one of the pix above, one of the Chupetinha plants is setting brown pods...Which would explain why I got a Chupetinha plant last year from a seed packet labeled "Congo Black". The rest of the plants grew true... Apparently Beth didn't get the seeds mixed up, but rather one of her Congo Black blossoms received some Chupetinha pollen.....Nice!
Bob and I were eating some of those pods at lunch today (not real hot, but very tasty), and we were trying to decide what to call them...He suggested I ask the guys on THP....Suggestions?
meatfreak said:
Very interesting, Gary. They do look a bit bigger then your regular Chupetinha. How's the heat and taste of these choco chupes?
Thanks Stefan! I like it.... Choco Chupa or Choco Chupo....I like the ring of the latter...The flavor is much like Chupetinha, as I understand the flavor of that variety: a Hab-ish fruitiness in the palate and aroma, and quite crunchy and juicy. I would put the heat level at the lower end of the Hab range, maybe 80-100K SHU. It's interesting to note that Bob will almost never pick or eat ripe peppers...He, as a rule and matter of preference, always eats them green. Something about green pods being crunchy—but these brown chiles seem to satisfy that particular culinary inclination.
capsidadburn said:
+1  for Choco Chupes.     Desoto de Rojo Chupo
Thanks Mike! I dig it! We may just have the DeSoto Parish landrace here...only time will tell...
Thanks for stopping in guys! Sorry I haven't been around THP lately....The hot weather should be over very soon, and my plants should perk up and give me something to post about.....